Forbidden LOVE

Forbidden Love

Ethan cleared his throat, snapping me out of my daze, and looked around, the now tidy room.
"I like what you have done with the place," he smiled lop-sidedly at me, eyes twinkling. I smiled back at him and finally looked at his friends.

I started at the top. There was a guy looking over his shoulder, he had dark brown hair and blonde and light brown flecks in it. He has brown eyes and thin lips.

There was a guy looking over Ethan's arm that he lifted up. He had bleach blonde hair and green eyes with flecks of black in them, He had full lips and a rosy tint to his cheeks.

Lastly, I fixed my eyes upon the guy who was peering between Ethan's legs. He was mixed raced with a closely shaved head, his hazel eyes glowed under his heavy set eyebrows. His jaw was very pronounced and his big, Strong hands held onto Ethan's legs loosely.

"Hi," I smiled, waving and nodding at them in turn.

"Hi," they all said back in unison.

"Ethan, care to introduce me?" I asked smirking. He smacked his forehead and stepped aside so all three boys were in view.

"Well, this," he pointed to the brown haired one, "is Alex," Alex smiled, "this," he pointed to the Blondie on, "Is James," James waved, "and this," he pointed to the mixed raced one, "is Calvin," Calvin grinned at me.

They all assumed normal standing position, waiting for the go ahead to raid the room. Ethan nodded his head and a chorus of war dries would be heard and the opening and slamming of cupboards began. Ethan shrugged and smiled at me apologetically.
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I know this is a bit short but oh well.

Sorry I will update again today for you