Forbidden LOVE

Forbidden Love

Next Day

My eyes fluttered open and I had to shield my eyes from the bright rays of sunshine gleaming into the room. I sat up and looked around. I noticed that Etan's bed was made and there was a note on my bed side table.

Gone to get some food, be back in a bit, don't worry =]


I smiled st the note and groaned breaking the silence the engulfed the room. I lay back down and put an arm over my eyes just thinking. I must've fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew was I felt a huge weight jump on me, knocking the wind out of me.

"OWWW!" I groaned, not at all happy.

"Sorry," I recognised the voice to be James' and I immediately brightened up.

"James, get off Macy, couldn't you see she was sleeping?" Calvin scolded him and I felt the weight leave me. I heard scuffling (a/n: yeah like rats) about the room and the shower come on and turn off.

I tried my hardest to get at least a few more minutes of sleep but I think they were making the loud noises on purpose.

"Would. You. Shut. Up!" I shouted through gritted teeth, "Can't you see I am trying to sleep?!"

I heard some whispers and they became louder than ever. I sat up and looked around the room.

"Hey, sorry, did we wake you?" Ethan asked, trying extremely hard not to laugh.

"No, it's fine," I shot him an evil look and checked the time. 10:35...only. I groaned for the third time today and swung my feet off the bed and wriggled my toes.

"Hey, I am making fried eggs on toast!" Ethan called from the kitchen area.

"I hate eggs," I simply stated and gathered my towel and clothes to get dressed in and headed to the bathroom.

"Sorry," I could tell he was blushing.

"It's k, you weren't to know," I shrugged and turned to smile at him to let him know that I was really okay with it.

After I did all the deeds in the bathroom (apart from the number two) I came out to see the guys sitting on Ethan's bed talking intently. Ethan was the first to notice me and he smiled and made a movement with his hand and in tune the rest of them stopped.

"Had a nice shower?" James asked.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Wanna join?" Ethan asked.

"Give me 20 minutes,"

Within that time I made my bed, tidied around my area and made myself a could of slices of toast and ate them.

"Well, we guess we better go," the others announced.

"Are you sure you don't want to come Ethan?" Calvin asked. Ethan shook his head and Calvin laced his hand with James' and walked out with Alex in tow.

"Why aren't you going?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Well..." he hesitated, "I just thought we could spend some time together, just the two of us," he scratched the back of his head.

I smiled, "Yeah, that would be great," I walked over to his bed and sat opposite him.
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Woo...I haven't updated in a while (if you don't count like a couple of hours ago) so here you go...two in ONE day!!!
Ben Loves Uu