‹ Prequel: Robin's Little Sister
Status: In Progress

The Ninjas of Twin City

Three Months After


It’s been three months since Kaelyn’s death. I’ve been trying to stay strong for my team, but I know that I’m doing pretty bad at it. Beastboy and I have only just recently gotten back to speaking terms. After we found out about their secret relationship, we got into a lot of fights. He’s also been pretty depressed since the accident.
One of the hardest things that we had to do after the explosion was tell Katherine’s parents what had happened. They were devastated, and went back to their home in Chicago the next day.
No matter how much I want too, I cant go after Kaelyn’s dad. I made a promise to her, and I plan on keeping that promise. But of course, Beastboy is trying to talk me into going after him on a daily basis. I know he wants revenge, I mean, don’t we all? But we made a promise.
I glanced over in BB’s direction. He was picking at his food, not eating. He didn’t even play video games anymore.
Cyborg doesn’t joke around much anymore. I think he’s afraid of saying something that would remind us of Kaelyn.
Raven’s even more moody these days since Kaelyn died. I know that Raven and Kaelyn were close, I just didn’t know how close.
Even Starfire isn’t as happy as she usual is. She still tries to be upbeat and happy, but you can tell how sad she is.
The alarm started buzzing, and Cyborg rushed to the computer. “It’s a new guy,” he said.
I rushed over, and looked at the screen. Anger boiled inside me when I saw his face. “No, it’s not. That’s Kaelyns dad.”
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leave a comment!! o and btw! i like how i alredy hav 2 subscribers win i hadnt even published the first chapter! srry 2 those who was upset about Kaelyn and Katherines death, it had 2 happen :(