‹ Prequel: Robin's Little Sister
Status: In Progress

The Ninjas of Twin City

The Star


We sped up the road, just looking around, trying to guess where The Commander could be hiding.
“Dudes, I could’ve swore I heard someone say that The Commander was in Tokyo,” Beastboy said.
“Then we’ll go to Tokyo. I don’t care where he is, we’re going to find him,” I said.
“Robin, why did you not listen to Venus?” Starfire asked, “She said the mission was very dangerous.”
Before I could respond, the night exploded.


I landed about twenty feet from the flaming T car. There was a huge, flaming rock on top of the hood.
“Aw, man,” Cyborg said somewhere off to my left.
“Well, if it isn’t the Teen Titans. I was wondering when you’d get here,” a voice said somewhere.
I stood up, my hand to my head. I was dazed, and everything was blurry. I looked up and I saw a ball of fire flying towards me. I dove out of the way a second before it would’ve hit me.
“Better watch out green one,” the voice said.
It sounded like The Commanders, but I couldn’t be sure...
Another ball of fire came flying towards Raven. She used telekinesis and threw it back in the direction it came from.
“Not bad, little witch,” the voice. Yes, it was The Commander. “But you missed.”
We looked all around, but he was no where.
“Where are you hiding?” Robin yelled.
“Who said I was hiding?” The Commander was suddenly right there in front of us. Like he melted out of the shadows.
Then something hit himj on the side of the face, hard. It landed in front of me.
A ninja star.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its so short, and sorry I havnt updated ina while!!! But will you guys read my poems plz? I need feedback. writing is my pasion, especially poetry and if you guys dont comment, i dont know if im any good!