‹ Prequel: Robin's Little Sister
Status: In Progress

The Ninjas of Twin City

Snappers Reveal All


I reached down and picked up the star. It was silver, and engraved in the middle was a rose.
“Robin...,” I trailed off.
He nodded. “Wonderful,” he muttered.
Venus swerved to a stop on her motorcycle.
She glared at us, then turned to The Commander. “What’s up?” she asked.
“Venus. What are you doing here? I thought you were suppose to be in Rome with the other mythical creatures,” The Commander said.
She glared. And if looks could kill, we’d all be a pile of dust right now. “What about you? Aren’t you suppose to be in Tokyo?” she asked.
He shrugged. “Who needs vacation?” then he a huge flaming rock at her.
She easily dodged. “Sparks!” she yelled, and three ninjas, one of them Flame, attacked from behind. “Amigos, Gardens, you too!” and six more ninjas were attacking The Commander.
Venus and Cat ran over to us. Venus immediately went to Robin. “What is your problem? Why can’t you guys follow simple instructions?” she asked.
Before Robin could respond, another flaming rock came flying toward us.
“Duck!” Cat yelled, and we did. The rock flew into a building behind us.
“Hey!” Venus yelled. “That was the school!” she looked furious. She turned to us. “I will say this though, I’m glad you chose the night time to sneak away. We don’t like to fight during the day. To many witnesses.”
“Guys,” Cat said. “Can we continue this conversation later? Please?”
Venus nodded. “Come on,” she said.
She and Cat joined the battle. We were quick to follow.


I wish I could remember The Commanders real name. All I remember about it was that he hated it. Sometimes I would call him that just to annoy him. Man what was his name...
I dodged as another flaming rock came my way.
Someone screamed, and I looked over to see Starfire lift Venus out of the of a boulder. But she started kicking, and screamed at Star to put her down.
I ran over, along with Cat and Flame.
“Are you ok?” Flame asked Venus. She looked shaken. I mean, who wouldn’t be? She was almost killed.
She nodded. “Super,” she said sarcastically.
Cat laughed. “Come on, beauty queen,” she said, and all three of them ran back to battle.
“Are you ok?” I asked Starfire.
She nodded. “But I do not think that Venus is ‘super’ like she said,” Star said.
I smiled. “I don’t think so either,” I said.


How long was this last? It’s almost dawn. I could see the sky start to lighten in the east, and we were getting no where with this.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Flame and Cat try to sneak up behind The Commander, but he must’ve seen them because he started throwing rocks at them. I noticed that he was controlling the rocks like how Kaelyn did. They must have the same power. But he was more advanced. Way more advanced.
I morphed into a rhino and charged, but I was knocked aside by... the wind? Great. I bet he could fly to.
As if to answer my thoughts, he flew up on a building above us. “Come get me, kids,” he said.
“Already did,” Venus called back. “Blossom, now!”she shouted, and a small explosion took place.
The Commander came crashing down, and where he landed, a small crater appeared.
He was motionless. Venus walked up, cautious at first, but then she kicked his stomach. “I think he’s at least knocked out-“ she started but screamed when his hand came up, and grabbed her by the neck.
“What were you saying?” he asked, and threw her into the nearest building.
There were a lot of popping noises, and smoke filled the air. Ninja snappers.
“Venus!” Cat screamed.
She emerged out of the smoke, and we all gasped.
Her bright green eyes were dancing with fire, she was so mad. Her mask had fallen, revealing her face, and I could easily see a huge gash in the back of her head..
Even The Commander looked shocked.
“Hello father. Miss me?” she asked, and threw a ball of fire at him.
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Haha see guys? i told you i had everything under control!! iv had this planned since like the 20th chapter of Robins Little Sister.