‹ Prequel: Robin's Little Sister
Status: In Progress

The Ninjas of Twin City



I was shocked.
Kaelyn... she was alive.
She was alive!
I watched as she threw rocks and balls of fire at The Commander, but he didn’t do anything. He was as shocked as us.
“Looks like the cat’s out of the bag now,” Flame said.
I couldn’t respond.


Kaelyn! She was alive. I couldn’t help but smile. I noticed that Robin was too. So were the others. Flame and Cat looked worried.
Kaelyn was still throwing everything she had at The Commander. Finally, he stepped down.
“I will leave you, daughter. But for now,” he said, and he melted into the shadows.
As soon as he was gone, Flame and Cat ran over to her, and Kaelyn collapsed. Flame picked her up bridal style, which bugged me.
He carried her over to us, and put her in my arms. “You guys have to her get of here. The Commander always strikes twice. And now that he know’s she’s alive, he wont stop until he finds her.” he said. “Take her anywhere but your guys tower. That’ll be the first place he looks... I’d say the East Tower. That one’s a little harder to hack into because it’s in a rock. Take my car since...,” he trailed off, looking at the smoking T car. “Well, you know.” he tossed the keys to Cyborg. “Go, before he comes back,” he said urgently, looking at the sky.
Cat stepped up to me. “Take care of her, ok?” she said, and kissed my cheek. She did the same to Robin and Cyborg, then she went back to the other ninjas. Flame looked at us. “If she gets hurt, I don’t care whose fault it is. I’ll kill all of you,” he said. “But good luck,” he said, smiling. “Now I’m serious, get going.”
So we got into the Camaro, and drove off. We had Kaelyn laying across our laps. Cyborg drove with Raven up front with him. Robin sat in the window seat, Kaelyns head in his lap. I sat in the middle holding her hand, and Star sat next to me. We didn’t say anything, we so shocked.
After we were a good distance from Twin City, Cyborg spoke. “So the East Tower?” he asked Robin.
He nodded. “It’s our best bet for now,” he said.
Cyborg nodded, and stepped on it.
By morning, we would be there. But we had to do something about Kaelyn’s head wound. Raven took of her cloak and laid it under her head.
“I cant cure it now. It’ll have to wait for a while,” she said.
Please... Hang in there.
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haha dont u guys love me?