‹ Prequel: Robin's Little Sister
Status: In Progress

The Ninjas of Twin City



When we came down the stairs into the main room, the only noise was talking, which stopped the moment they saw us.
Cyborg set me on the couch, I looked around at everyone.
“Well?” I asked. “Go on and yell.”
Beastboy sighed. “Kaelyn, I already told you that none of us are mad.”
“No,” I said. “You said that you weren’t mad.”
“Kaelyn, none of are mad,” Robin said softly, coming to sit next to me on the couch.
“We are most pleased,” Starfire chimed.
I smiled at her. Then I turned to Robin, and gave him a huge hug. He hugged me back, and didn’t let go, like he was afraid like I’d disappear again.
And hen we were all hugging, not letting go. And I didn’t want to let go. I wanted to be here, with my friends, that I hadn’t seen in three months.
But eventually, we had to.
I wiped my eyes. I hadn’t realized I was crying. “I’m sorry,” I said. “But I had to do something. And when Flame contacted me saying he had a plan, I couldn’t refuse. I just-“
Raven cut me off. “Kaelyn, will you stop?” she said. “We’re just happy that you’re alive, stop making excuses as to why you did it.”
I smiled, and looked at the huge computer screen/TV, and my smile disappeared.
I stood up, and pain went through my head again. I stumbled, but Aqualad caught me this time.
“Kaelyn, what are you-“ he started, but I waved my hand, cutting him off.
“Can you guys stop Robin from doing something?” I asked. “No. So don’t even try to stop me,” I said, stumbling toward the computer. I typed in the address, and waited.
“Um... What are you doing?” Robin asked.
I sighed. “I’m trying to-“
“Hey sweetness, shouldn’t you be in bed?” I heard.
I turned back to the screen. “Hey Flame,” I sighed.
“How’s the head?” he asked.
“Can you just send some off Doc’s extreme pain killers?” I asked instead of answering.
He laughed. “I’ll see what I can do,” he promised. “So what did you need?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know, how about why you told these guys to come here, where anyone would think to look?” I said, almost shouting.
Flame sighed. “Listen, it was the safest place I could think of at the time. We had to get you out of there before The Commander came back for his second attack,” he stopped, and looked at me with a horror struck expression.
“What?” I asked, worried. “What happened, Flame? Who did we loose?” I asked.
He didn’t answer.
“Flame!” I said.
“Well... before I say anything, I want you to know that all communications over comms has been broken, so it’s impossible for him to track us,” he said.
“Flame, who did he get?” I asked.
“V... He got Cat,” he said, and my world was officially over. Again.
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hope ulike... and u no, i hope u dont get all mad at me again haha