‹ Prequel: Robin's Little Sister
Status: In Progress

The Ninjas of Twin City

I Promise


I couldn’t believe it.
Cat... not Katherine... anyone but Katherine. First I loose my family.
Now my best friend.
“How?” I asked quietly.
Flame looked me over. “He came out of no where. He had just finished his second attack, and he just appeared out of the shadows,” he said.
“Does... does he know who she is?” I asked, knowing the answer.
He nodded. “We had kept in contact through the comms long enough to hear some things. One, The Commander knows that Cat is Katherin-“
“I knew it,” Raven muttered.
I ignored her. “And?” I prompted.
“And... we can now crack into his security,” he said.
“Do you know his location?” I asked.
He shook his head. “We’re working on it, but it’ll still take a while.”
“How long is a while?” I asked.
He hesitated. “Three weeks... a month tops. But we got everyone working on a way to find Katherine,” he said.
“A month?” I asked. The Commander could kill her by then! He probably will.
“I know, Kaelyn, I know. I was hoping you guys could do something there. I can send you everything you need,” he said.
I nodded.
“Kay... but I’m serious Kaelyn, you need rest. We can talk later. Besides, I need to get back to work,” he said.
“You can’t make me rest,” I muttered.
He laughed. “Maybe I can’t, but your brother can I bet you,” he joked, and he was gone.
I smiled softly at the blank screen.
“So... you made us tell Katherine’s parents she was dead... when she wasn’t?” Cyborg asked.
I chuckled. “Sorry about that,” I said. “But when The Commander is gone, we’ll tell them the truth and everyone will be united again.”
“What do you mean everyone?” Speedy asked.
“All of the ninjas are either orphans or we faked our death. We can’t put our loved ones in danger,” I said.
Robin sighed. “Just as long as you don’t ever scare me like that again,” he said.
I laughed. “I promise.”
“Good... now Flame was right. You need to go back to bed,” he said.
I shrugged. “How about I lay on the couch?” I asked and plopped down before he could protest.
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sorry its been so long!!!