‹ Prequel: Robin's Little Sister
Status: In Progress

The Ninjas of Twin City



When I hung up with Kaelyn, I hung my head. I couldn’t believe I lost my two best friends. Sure, I knew that the Titans would figure it out that Kaelyn was Venus sooner or later, but I didn’t expect it to be so soon.
And now Katherine is gone. I had lost them both within an hour. What would Director say? Kaelyn was number one throughout the entire agency, Katherine second.
We have to find Katherine soon.


I think I finally woke up around noon.
Although, I’m still not too sure that I’m awake. Everyone seems to be keeping their distance. Except for Robin. He won’t leave. He doesn’t let me out of his sight like he’s afraid that’ll disappear or die any second.
And everyones on there guard, like they expect The Commander to come charging in any second.
And me?
I’m in a daze. The shock of losing Katherine is too much. She has to be ok. She has to be! If I loose her, what will I do? I’ve lost way to much as it is.
I winced as a shot of pain went through my head.
I groaned. “Raven I need a pain killer!” I called.
She chuckled. “I just gave you one half an hour ago,” she said.
I stared at her blankly. “Your point?” I asked.
“My point is no,” she sighed.
I pouted. “Then when can I?” I asked.
“In four to six hours,” she muttered.
I slumped against the back of the couch. “That’s to long.”
Robin sighed. “Just go back to sleep and you’ll feel better,” he said.
“But I’m not tired,” I told him.
“But you need the rest, Kaelyn,” he argued.
“I need rest? You’ve been up since how long?” I asked. “Robin, I’m not going anywhere. I plan on staying this time,” I said gently. “In fact, I bet all you guys need sleep. I guarantee none of you guys have had any sleep since I got here.” I looked at them all.
“I’ve had plenty of sleep, so...,” Speedy trailed off.
I rolled my eyes. “There you go. He’ll be my warden. Now all of you, go to sleep,” I said.
Robin sighed. “Nothing you say will-“
“If you go to sleep I’ll tell some pretty important things about The Commander...,” I taunted.
He hesitated. “Fine, but it better be good information,” he said.
“Trust me, it is,” I said, smiling.
He glared. “Fine. C’mon guys,” he said, and they left.
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hope u liked!!!!!!!! an srry these r so short latly