‹ Prequel: Robin's Little Sister
Status: In Progress

The Ninjas of Twin City



I couldn’t believe it.
Blossom had found her!
I couldn’t wait to tell Kaelyn...
We would leave as soon as everyone was set.
I ran into my quarters to call Kaelyn back.


I sighed when Flame came back up on the screen.
“Let me guess, false alarm again?” I asked.
“Guess again,” he said.
I gasped. “You found her? You really found her?” I screamed.
He laughed. “Yea, and we’re getting geared up to come get you guys,” he said.
I jumped up down. I felt like it was Christmas.
“We’re getting ready now. See you in a bit!” I called, running out the door.
I was so excited, I ran right into Robin.
“Hey,” he said while steadying me. “What’s the rush?”
“They found her! They found Katherine!” I sang, running down the hall. I pounded on everyones door, yelling the whole time, telling people to get ready.
In five minutes, I had my ninja suit on. My stars were in their pouch, my snappers were in my pocket, and my assorted knock out gases were in line.
I was ready for action.


I shivered.
How long would he keep me in this cell?
It was cold. It was dirty. There were rats. It smelled really bad.
And, there were rats.
I pulled the ‘blanket’ that he had given me tighter around me, and winced at the pain.
It was a miracle I was alive.
Although, the only reason why I am alive is because he wants Kaelyn and Robin so bad.
I knew it was a trap.
I could only hope that they did too, and wouldn’t come looking for me.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey guys!! so i finally updated...
hey, so i have a blog now. heres the link:
please visit, and read!!