‹ Prequel: Robin's Little Sister
Status: In Progress

The Ninjas of Twin City

Twin City


We left first thing the next morning.
We were racing out of town, speeding to Twin City, which, by the way, I still have no clue where exactly it is.
But Robin gave Cyborg directions as if he had just been there yesterday.
It was still pretty early, so Star fell asleep against the window. Raven was reading, and I was stuck in the middle. But I wasn’t bored. No, my mind was busy thinking of ways to get revenge on The Commander. How could kill his own daughter?
The memory of the bank blowing is still fresh in my mind.
The alarm going off... Kaelyn telling us of her dads plan... her kissing me goodbye...
That was the worst part. After she kissed me, I had realized that I had loved her. And now she’s gone. I’ll never know if she loved me back.


I don’t know when I dozed off, but when I woke up, Robin was saying we were there. Finally, Twin City.
Immediately, we go in search of The Commander. Its pretty late in the afternoon, and we still hadn’t had lunch, but none of us were hungry.
We kept to the shadows, ducking into allies to keep hidden from the public eye. We didn’t want anyone to know we were here. If The Commander knows we’re here, we would lose a good advantage.
After about an hour, I felt like someone was watching me. I tried to ignore it, but a while, I couldn’t take it anymore.
“Robin...,” I trailed off.
He was nodding his head. “I know.”
We went on full alert, taking extra precautions. But even with all of us watching everything around us, somehow, three figures blocked our way, and filled the alley a gas that knocked us out cold.
Before I blacked out though, I saw that the three figures were ninjas.
♠ ♠ ♠
srry these hav been so short! btw, Twin City is a real place! an trust me guys, i hav ths ENTIRE story planned out! i appreticiat all the suggestions, and all of thm r really good, but i dnt need thm :) keep reading, leave comments, subscribe, do wutevr it is u do!