‹ Prequel: Robin's Little Sister
Status: In Progress

The Ninjas of Twin City



I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t this.
The cellar was nothing like I remembered it.
It used to be bare, with old lawn mowers and other junk, but now...
It was full of beer, wine, and all other kinds of alcoholic drinks.
I looked down at the ground and saw fresh footprints... and not from us. I could tell that this gave Kaelyn hope.
“What happened to this place?” I asked Kaelyn.
She winced.
“A couple of years ago, he started drinking... a lot,” she whispered the last part, and I got a feeling that she was still keeping things from me. But she ignored me, and avoided eye contact.
“Split up. He’s added so much room to this place, I think there are like three levels,” she said.
I glanced at her to see if she was kidding... she wasn’t.
“How many groups?” Flame asked.
She pursed her lips and looked around, thinking. “More than three, less than seven... I would say five. That way they’re big groups, but not to big. You lead a group, Blossom leads one, Chica leads one, Gem leads one, and I’ll go with them,” she said, pointing at us.
Flame nodded, but he looked unhappy.
When he had knocked her out with the gas, Flame had told us that they were like brother and sister. And to be honest, it was pretty easy to tell too. And he obviously didn’t want to be separated from her right now.
“If you need anything, call,” he said.
She nodded. “Same to you.”
“Be careful, ok?” he said.
She laughed. “Aren’t I always?” she asked.
He hesitated. “No, your not,” he said smiling.
She rolled her eyes. “Whatever... hey when the Director getting here again?” she asked.
“My dear Venus, I’ve been here,” we heard from behind us.
We turned to see a man in a black suit.
All the ninja’s automatically saluted him, and lowered their masks.
“Sir, you made it,” Kaelyn said, smiling.
“No my dear, you made it,” he said.
I looked at the other Titans... something wasn’t right...
Kaelyn looked confused. “What are you...,” she trailed off, her eyes widening when she saw something in his hand.
“S-sir...?” she asked.
He said nothing, showed no emotion, when he uncapped the canister in his hand, and pulled his mask tighter to his face.
The last thing I remember was seeing a tear slide down Kaelyn’s cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys!
And I posted a new story, just not Mother of Nature... not yet anyway.
So my new story is an Avatar: the Last Airbender fanfic!
Check it out?