‹ Prequel: Robin's Little Sister
Status: In Progress

The Ninjas of Twin City



I couldn’t believe it when Kaelyn got up right after me.
We gave each other weird looks, but for the time being, we ignored it.
Kaelyn immediately went to help Katherine, and I pondered on how we were going to wake up the others.
“Thank you so much!” Katherine whisper shouted. “You have no idea how much it stinks being down here...”
Kaelyn laughed. “No problem. Now, we just need to figure out a way to wake up the oth-“
I interrupted Kaelyn by jumping up off my spot on the floor. “Katherine, what did you say just a second ago?” I asked.
“I said... thank you...?” she said, like she wasn’t sure.
“No, no, after that!” I said hurriedly.
“I said that it stunk down here...,” she said, looking at men strange.
I smirked. “I have an idea.”


This was the weirdest idea I’ve ever heard of.
Was it smart?
Would it work?
“So... all we have to do is put his socks in their faces?” Katherine asked.
Robin nodded and I scrunched up my nose.
He saw my face and laughed. “I would cover your noses if I were you,” he told us.
Katherine didn’t hesitate to cover her nose before Robin took BB’s shoes off.
I, however, didn’t cover my nose, thinking I could handle it.
The smell hit me full force. Seriously, like, it felt like a brick wall just ran into me. Instantly, I covered my nose.
“Robin... are you sure this will wake them up, and not kill them??” I asked.
He smirked. “Can’t you deal with your boyfriends stinky feet?” he asked, giving me a look.
I froze. “I... don’t know what you’re talking about.
He chuckled. “You know, for a ninja, you’re not very sneaky,” he said.
Katherine laughed. “Busted!”
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY I UPDATED!!!!!!!!!! leave a comment plz!!