Fallen In Love In The Worst Way

Part One

(two years ago)
‘JAY!’ i screamed, radically falling out of breath. ‘STOP IT, PLEASE GOD, I CAN’T BREATHE..’ i managed to wiggle my way out of my best friend’s arms before making a quick escape to freedom. he’d turned into the tickle monster, being parted from someone you care a ton about for more than a month, tends to change people.
‘YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN’T HIDEEE’ he yelled playfully. i legged it behind the stairs, into the little cupboard, pretending to be harry potter and everything. i took a deep breath and dived on him as he sprinted the corner. we both collapsed onto the sofa, in a fit of giggles, in his living room before i pinned my self on top of him, using all my strength i had in my arms to hold down his muscular shoulders.
‘give up?’ i gloated, out of breath. i probably had the biggest possible grin on my face, i never beat him at anything, ever.
I better go ahead and tell you alittle something about Jay before i kick start this story. He’s an extremely tall geek with a full head of curls, we’ve been bestfriend’s forever, and i’m not exaggerating like a little 10 year old. His mum & my mum were like sisters (not biologically) before we were born, and i’ve just treated him as my older brother ever since birth really. He’s probably the only human on this earth can trust my life with, tell anything to, and call a big, fat, irritating douche, while actually meaning ‘god i love you’. But recently he’d been away, auditioning for some new boy band or something, we’ve never ever been parted before so i missed him like fuck. hense why we’re mid battling right now at this very moment.
‘one thing you learn from this boyband business… never give up’ he grunted and threw me on the floor, victory written across his face, with our 18 years of friendship, i should have seen that coming.
‘i hate you’ I tried to hold back my laughter, but i could still mentally feel his hands on my stomach, sending pleasant tickley shivers down my spine.
‘no you don’t, quit your shittalk & go get avatar’ he then chuckled, reaching down to help me up. I sighed forcefully, ignored his plee and pushed my self up on my own. Before i could walk away, ashamed of my defeat he pulled me into a warm bear hug.
‘pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase?’ he hoisted me up completely so my feet were no longer safely planted on the living room rug. i quickly wrapped my legs around his back before i could fall & smash my head off the coffee table.
‘you know what this calls for’ he looked pretty smug, he then attempted to run around the sitting room calling ‘SUPPPPPPERMAYN!’, with me clinging on for dear life.
‘forgodsakes put me down, you’re an actual NUTTE-’ before i could finish he bombed me down onto the couch.
‘pizza?’ he then asked before i could have a chance to drop kick him in the balls.
‘CHICKEN AND MUSHROOM’ i yelled as he walked into the kitchen.
as much as i treat it as my own, i was currently staying over at Jay’s house, it was pretty quiet for a friday night, he has 4 other siblings as well as his mother who’s normally always about. i generally live here more than i do at my own house, i hate home life. my parents split up last week & without Jay being here to give me all the comfort shit i needed, i had to put up with it on my own, i don’t really have any other friend’s. i’ve always been the quiet/shy creep from the back of the class. i do have Ellie though, yet she doesn’t really talk to me that much.
i’m staying with my mum at the moment, i actually cannot stand my father, he’s just an irrelevant little runt to me, i never used to talk to him much before he moved out anyway, but god my house is so boring & quiet without their constant arguing & bickering, not that i’m complaining, but like i said, i’d prefer to stay here, in the comfort of the McGuiness household.
‘LOOK OUT! TRANSFORMERS HEADING YOUR WAY KEZZ!’ I heard a yell from behind. with the ninja reflexes i own, i turned just in time to catch Sean’s (Jay’s younger brother) monsterous action figure.
‘for god sake Sean, you’re 14.. don’t you think you’re a little old..’ I moaned as he jumped onto the sofa next to me, making forceful gun noises with his mouth.
‘i’ve tried telling him, he’s just an absolute weirdo..’ Jay remarked as he hauled in the phone book.
‘move it squirt’ he then complained whilst shoving Sean off the sofa. ‘here, you can order’ he looked at me, smiled and threw the giant phone book on my lap. I casually lay across him and peered up into his deep blue eyes.
‘no. i’m the guest here, don’t be so mean’ i hmphed and used my fist to thump him hard in the chest.
‘bitch please, i’m gonna be famous soon’ he replied, with a pretty damn smug look on his face.
‘don’t kid yourself, why would they even let you in the band, you’re not exactly Aston Merrygold’ i winked playfully while propping my self up again.
‘oh thanks! great to know i have your support kezz…’ he sighed and looked down longingly at the book. ‘you’re right though, like they’d want me back, i’m just the curly idiot who tends to fuck up alot’ he mumbled, now generally feeling sorry for him self. i leaned over and grabbed a bag of skittles from the floor, opened the packet, grabbed a handfull and launched them at his face.
‘shut it, you know you’re amazing, quit fishing for compliments!’ i got up before world war 3 began.
‘there was a guy called Nathan who you’d probably like amongst the 5 Jayne picked, you know’ Jayne is the new manager of the band, she’s managed people like the saturdays before, so she’s obviously the real deal.
‘why do you think i’d like him?’ I asked curiously while sitting back down by his side.
‘I dunno. he just.. looks like your type? God, only trying to be nice’ he smiled to break the slight awkwardness and punched my arm violently.
‘so.. pizza?’ i laughed nervously and decided it’d be best to get Domino’s on the phone.
Suddenly Jay’s mobile started buzzing frantically on the coffee table. He pounced forward to answer it and as he did, his jaw hit the floor.. he looked ecstatic.
‘Wait… what? ME?!… ARE YOU SURE? OH MY GOD THANK YOU!!’ He let out a slight squeal while throwing his phone carelessly on the sofa.
‘You are now currently looking at a new possible boy band member, feel free to applaude’ he calmed down and stood up tall as if he was king.
‘HUG ME BROTHA!’ i yelled, stating drake & josh.
i literally jumped into his arms as he spun me around frantically.
‘don’t forget me mind..’ i mumbled meaningfully before squeezing the rest of the hug out of him.