Episodes of Angel's Grave #2

The Beginning

Its morning and all 15-year-old Jemma Dobbs can hear is the echoing screamsof her parents in the garden. She sits up and sees that her brother, William, is still asleepn the bed beside her, unfazed by all the screaming.
"Will," she whispers softly, "are you awake?"
He moans something under his breath, then rolls off the side of the bed landing on the floor lightly.
He sits up and rubs his eyes, "What the..." he starts before realizing that he is on the floor once again.
Jemma started laughing at her brothers idiotic display and gets up, walking over to her huge closet in the far side of the room. She began to change as she spoke, " You do that all the time."
He looks away as she changes, feeling a bit out of place and sighs, "I know, " he notices all the yelling, "how long have they been fighting like that?"
She shruged and finished dressing when she says, " Um, I don't know. I just got up and they were fighting," She placed a hand on her baby bump and smiled, "Will can you believe that your going to be an uncle in two months?"
He started nodding, "Ya, but the real shocker is that our abusive father hasn't found out..."
Her eyes opened wide in fear and her lip began to quiver, thinking about all the abuse he has endured because of her.
Sencing his sister's grief, he walks over to her and hugs her tightly. He places his hand on the back of her head; his extreamly pale hand contrasting against her opaque hair. She sobbed into his shoulder and hugged him back tightly.
"Hey everything is going to be alright. He won't lay a hand on you," He said softly, smiling a little at her.
Around her eyes were red; she was still upset but she nodded, "Ok, if you say so."
Desiding that she will be fine without him, he kisses he cheek lightly and gets dressed and goes to work.