Sequel: It wasn't us.

Together Forever, right?

First, it was the distance.

The warmth of Chloe's hand sent tingles throughout Mitch's whole body. " So, you applied for Atlantic Cape, right?" She asked as she played with his fingers absently.

Mitch shrugged slightly, " Yeah, I guess. " He was smoothing out her hair when she snapped around to look at Mitch.

" I'm serious, Mitch." And it was true,the look in her eyes enforced the fact. " I... Just really want to go to the same college as you," Her voice softened and she looked down, breaking their eye contact.

Mitch cupped her face,making her look straight into his eyes. " Hey... Even if we don't get into the same college, I'd still like you," Like. From the look on Chloe's face, he can tell that she really let the word sink in. Mitch never used the words "love" and rarely "like." He never found it necessary to.

" I know... but I'd still want to hold you, hug you, kiss you, and just be with you." Chloe's voice got smaller as she said, " I got accepted to Atlantic Cape, Mitch."

Mitch's heart skipped a beat with fear. Atlantic City was three days away by drive from San Francisco, he remembered.

"That's... That's fantastic, right? I mean, all I have to do is get accepted there,too." Mitch tried to smile, he really did. But from Chloe's expression, he didn't succeed. They both knew it would be a miricle if Mitch got accepted to Atlantic Cape.

"Look," He leaned in closer to Chloe and gave her a short but sweet kiss. Putting his forehead onto hers, their lips less than an inch apart, he continued. " I'm happy for you. You wanted to go to Atlantic, right? With the boardwalk and everything. And it doesn't matter if I get into Atlantic or Standford, I'm still here for you, okay?"

Chloe nodded slightly and leaned in for a sweet, long and desperate kiss. " Promise?" She said in between breaths. Mitch took his arms and wrapped them around her and laughed softly.

" Yeah, promise. " Mitch whispered into her ear as he ran his fingers through her auburn colored hair. " Please don't break that promise, Mitch." She said, her voice sort-of muffled by his shirt. He leaned back onto the wall and lifted her chin to meet her gaze.

" I don't like breaking my promises," He smiled and kissed her. "Oops, sorry. Habit." He said as soon as he saw her face flushed, but he couldn't suppress the smile.

"Jerk," Chloe murmured and leaned back onto his arms.


" Oh god, you're going to open it, right? Or, no? No, no maybe you shouldn't. Wait! Yes, you should! " Chloe was pacing around Mitch's room, not entirely talking to Mitch. The mail just arrived and the envelope was in Mitch's hands. Chloe kept pacing and pacing around the room in her white-tee with a black vest over, layers of necklaces and dark blue skinny jeans.

Mitch grabbed Chloe's hand and Chloe stopped pacing entirely, staring down at the floor.

" Let's open it now. Better now then never, right?" Mitch, suggested as he pulled her closer to him. He set the envelope aside and sat onto his bed. He patted his legs and made a "come here," motion at Chloe.

When Chloe sat on his lap , he felt her shaking. She was more scared and worried than he was. Sighing, he reached for the envelop and put his arms around Chloe, in a back hug. He opened the letter fast to save the suspense. For Chloe's sake.

Resting his chin onto Chloe's shoulder, Mitch read the letter. Chloe was always the faster reader in the relationship, so she took in a sharp breath before Mitch even scanned the third sentence.

Placing her hand onto the paper, she lowered it down.

" You got accepted to Standford," Chloe's voice was sad, and it sounded heart breaking. Mitch's heart skipped a fast beat with slight disappointment.

"That's... That's okay, right? " At least until Mitch felt the teardrops land on his hands. Mitch's body tensed as he set her onto the bed beside him.

"Hey, hey, hey..." He said softly as he got onto his knees in front of her. Chloe covered her face but the tears eventually flowed through her fingers. Mitch smoothed the hair out of her face and removed her hands.

" I promised, remember? Not even distance can break that promise, okay?" Mitch said sweetly. He suddenly remembered what he spent all day the day before to look for. He pointed at finger at Chloe, telling her not to move and went to his clothes cabinet.

Opening the second drawer, Mitch pulled out the black rectangular box that he hid under piles if socks. When he came to Chloe, her eyes opened with surprise as he knelt before her.

"What's t-" Mitch took her hand and brought it to his lips. "Shh," he said, blowing his breath onto her hand and handed the box to her.

" Open it," He smiled with joy. She did, and was surprised. She pulled out a silver chained necklace with a heart. " I was going to save it until our three year anniversary but this seemed more like the time to give it to you."

" This... this is that... I was looking at... How'd you..?" She stuttered. Mitch smiled a smile he hoped made him look proud.

" I know it's not really my style to get jewelery but I had to get it. I mean, the way you were looking at it and everything. " Mitch plopped down beside her and placed his arm around her shoulders.

" I can't take this," She carefully placed the necklace back into the box and handed over to Mitch.

" Yeah, you can, and will. Here," Mitch took the box and crawled behind Chloe. "Hold this," He said as he took her hand and made her hold up her hair. Pulling out the necklace, he put it around Chloe's neck.

"Beautiful," Mitch smiled as her took her hand and pulled her off the bed. Spinning her in circles, he caught her in one arm and pulled her close to him.

" I really can't take this," She said softly. Mitch bent down and looked right at her.

" It's something to remember me by... and y'know our three year anniversary gift , so you kind of have to take it," Mitch leaned in for a sweet, delicate, and desperate kiss. " You know... I'll really miss you," He whispered near her mouth.

Mitch rolled his eyes at the airport food in his lap.

" I really don't like this," Mitch made a disgusted face and turned to Chloe.

" The food or me leaving?" Chloe said all nonchalant as she ate her airport chips one by one.

" Both, actually. " Mitch said as he leaned back into his chair and put an arm around her. Chloe sent him a look but stayed silent.

They acted so...normal. But Mitch knew, just knew, that it wasn't. Mitch was one step away from grabbing Chloe - and her bags - and running away with her. He also knew that Chloe was on the verge of tears.

" So, you're not going to meet some guy at some lame-ass frat party and forget about me, right? " Mitch asked, studying the people at the airport. There was a dog on a leash a couple meters away from them who looked like he was about to bite Mitch's leg off.

" You're not going to some really lame frat party and fall head-over-heels with the first girl you see naked, right?" Chloe shot back, with a little humor, yet seriousness in her voice.

" No, course not. "

" I won't either," Chloe said as she folded up her empty bag of chips. Mitch tapped her arm and when she turned to look at him, he caught her in a surprise kiss. It was rough, wild, sweet and even more desperate then before. The airport intercom made some noise but Mitch didn't care to even listen, it was just a buzz in the backround.

But Chloe heard it clearly.

" That's... my flight," Chloe whispered softly as she broke the kiss. " Goodbye, Mitch." her voice got small and her eyes got all watery.

" No, no. Please don't say goodbye. Just... goodnight, okay?" Mitch pleaded as he pulled her into a hug( Which hugging while sitting down felt awkward but Mitch didn't care. At all.)

" Goodnight," She smiled as she looked at him.

Chloe got up, grabbed her bags and walked to the lady - whatever the hell she was called, Mitch didn't give a fuck.- and handed in her ticket. Looking back, Mitch saw the tears streaming down her cheeks.

" Call me, okay?" Mitch shouted. Chloe nodded and gave him a sad, broken smile. She turned away and started walking, she just wanted a fast and non-heartbreaking departure.

"Chloe!" Mitch shouted back at her. Chloe stopped and glanced behind her, pointing at the gate urgently, mouthing " I have to go!"

" I know! And you know this, olive you!" Mitch shouted as loud as he can. He didn't care if the people in the airport were looking - especially the creepy, evil looking dog- , all he cared about was if Chloe heard him.

She did.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mitch: Really, you're not going to fall for someone else, right?

Chloe: Heh. Funny. You're actually concerned about that.

Mitch: What's wrong if I concern about it? It's natural, right?

Chloe: You usually concern over the melting ice cream in my trunk, and no, it isn't normal. You're obviously turning into an alien.

Mitch: Okay, now, that's a lie.

Chloe: I know. Glad you care, Mitch.