Status: Rating might change, depending on comments. My favorite story right now- hope it becomes yours too~

Semper Fidelis

ch 1

Dalton’s P.O.V.

I aimed my M-16 at the target and shot. It grazed the center, but just barely. I scowled and set it down. It was the seventh time and I hadn’t hit the dead center. My mood was quickly deteriorating even further. My mind immediately went to Patron, but I grabbed my water bottle instead and chugged it.

Abigaile’s P.O.V.

“Damnit!” I threw the handgun to the ground, having barely grazed the paper after emptying the final cartridge and wasting it. BANG! I screamed as it went off and covered my head. The bullet bounced off who-knows-what, and I squeezed my eyes shut.
It didn’t take long for it to quiet down, but my left arm was burning like hell. I opened my eyes to see that I’d shot myself. FUCK IT BURNS LIKE A MOTHER-FUCKING BITCH! I screamed mentally, holding my arm as I ran to the nearest bathroom. I kept my fingers off the opening, but tried to keep blood from spilling everywhere.

“I’m getting trashed after this,” I hissed to myself as I turned on the cold water. My cell phone started to buzz and I hit ignore, without bothering to take it out of my pocket. I cleaned the blood off and my cell phone rang constantly throughout the process. I took a deep breath before I picked up the phone. It was Wilson- he was the only one obnoxious enough to call me at 10 in the morning. I tried to be nice, but apparently he did not get the point.

“Maria! I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all-”

I cut him off. “-how many times do I need to tell you to stop calling me Maria?!”

“Sorry, I-”

“No, shut the hell up and LISTEN- I don’t like you! You’re not taking me out to dinner, you’re not buying me designer crap, and just because you’re a rich boy does not mean you’re the shit! LEAVE. ME. ALONE!”

“But I-” I hurled my HTC at the opposite wall, shattering it to pieces and froze. There were guy toilets lined up against the wall, and a guy smirking at me from another wall.

He slow-clapped and I glared, turning back to the bullet lodged in my arm. “Fuck off,” I snarled as I washed the blood out of the sink. There was no way I was getting it out on my own, so I’d have to go to a hospital. And the smell of the place always made me sick- no pun intended.

Nosy stranger, as I immediately nicknamed him, sauntered over with an air of arrogance. “Says the girl in the men’s bathroom,” he taunted, grabbing my injured arm and I hissed. I was too currently damaged to bash his face in for touching me. Yes, he was insanely built; No, that would not stop me from kicking his ass in some way or another. I would find a way to cheat.

“You’re lucky it’s shallow,” he pulled a knife out and I screamed,


He dropped the knife onto the counter and covered my mouth. “Don’t pull that shit again. I’m going to get the bullet out because you entertained me by acting like a dumbass. Or rather, yourself.”

Dalton’s P.O.V.

I smirked as her eyes turned furiously onto me. She seriously wanted to kill me, not that she would ever come close. I was seriously enjoying this. “Now listen up. If you scream again, or try to attack me in any way, I can and will stab you. So don’t even try.” I slowly removed my hand from her mouth. If looks could kill, I’d be six feet under. The thought made me want to laugh.

She glared. “You are a psychotic asshole. Get the hell away from me.” She tried to pry her bleeding arm away, which was not only futile but probably hurt her more, but flinched when I pulled out my kabar again.

She squeezed her eyes shut and I got it out in record time. She was breathing forcibly slowly and opened her eyes when she heard the bullet drop into the sink. I grinned mockingly at her. “You didn’t scream or faint. Not bad…”

She took off her tee shirt, and had a tanktop under (real shame) and tied it around her arm, using her teeth and avoiding me with her eyes. Finally, she looked me dead in the eye. “You-”

“-I?” I interrupted, rinsing off my knife. I held in a smirk as her face turned red in fury.

“You are the most arrogant, shameless jackass that I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet, and I swear to everything that is holy I will run you over if I ever see you again!” She stormed off, and I laughed my damn ass off.
♠ ♠ ♠
So- this is the first idea that suddenly struck me out of nowhere, and I haven't had one of those in a very long time. It's fueled by a somewhat unhealthy obsession of mine- the U.S. Marine Corps. Which, if you haven't heard, is awesome. Comment and subscribe, let me know what you think~


M-16: a rifle used in the Marine Corps

Kabar: a knife (again, used by marines)

Semper Fidelis: "Always Faithful" in Latin