Status: Active

love is the hardest thing

That feeling i need it most

"hi" I said back
"im Dasiy" she said while shaking my hand I was so nervous, I slowly stood up and took a deep breath and quickly followed her down the long hallway. I must say this school was huge it was so much bigger than my last one. By lunch Time I kind of new where I was going but I still wasn't sure. I followed Daisy into the large crowed canteen
"you wanna come and sit with us?" she asked smiling showing her lovely teeth
"sure" lets say I hated being alone and got all nervous and being alone so I quickly followed her to the table where 3 people where sitting talking and laughing at something, I felt really awkward standing there to let you know
"hey everyone this is summer" Daisy said looking at me and her friends she walked around the table to sit by a girl with blue and blond hair more blue than blond though and it looked really great
"you gonna stand there all day?" a girl with brown and glasses asked I just smililed at her and took a seat beside her
"I'm Taylor by the way nice to meet you"
"likewise" I told her
"what you got next?" she asked smiling I think she was hoping we had some lessons together and I damn hope we did I needed someone haha yeah, I took my time table out of my bag and looked
"ummm science you?"
"yay! were together" she said jumping abit in her seat and I couldn't help but laugh abit how could a girl get so exsited just by having lesson with someone guess Taylor one girl.
"hey! everyone anyone else got science next?" Taylor nearly shouted making everyone laugh at how exsited she was I hope it would always be like this I need it to be I needed some happiness after my love left me and I hope no one found out about what I had lost
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HIIII EVERYONE!!!!!!!! enjoy!!! :D
Katie <3