
dear god, the only thing i ask of you is to hold her when i'm not around.

“So, let’s just do one more and I think that’ll be a wrap!” The photographer ran his hand through is stringy grey hair, “How about we try just baby and Mommy?”

Brian pressed his lips to his wife’s temple as he gently handed her their three month old son. The musician crossed the rom and stood behind the photographer’s tripod. He watched as Ashley’s smile brought fits of laughter to the innocent baby.

Brian was enjoying his last few days with his family before embarking on a short east coast tour with his band, Avenged Sevenfold. Although he would only be gone for two and a half weeks, Brian wanted to make sure he hand a wallet full of photos of his beautiful wife and precious Nathaniel. The photographer snapped one last photo before calling it quits.

An hour behind schedule, Nathaniel began to grow restless having missed his afternoon nap, “Alright Mr. Haner, I can have these developed and in your hands by tomorrow evening.”

The aging man’s voice pulled Brian’s attention away from the extra swing Ashley had put in her hips as she headed upstairs to their son’s nursery. Brian swallowed hard and smiled, “Thanks so much, ‘ppreciate it.” The photographer nodded and tossed his equipment bag over his shoulder before he left the Haner residence.

As soon as the door shut, Brian rushed upstairs in search of his wife. He found her quickly sitting by the large bay window of Nathaniel’s nursery in her favorite plush rocker; a gift from his parents. A small squeak from the door hinge caused Ashley to look up from the sleep baby’s face. She smiled. Brian mirrored her. He stared long and hard, leaning against the door frame, just mesmerized by her beauty.

While their son slept soundly, the couple found themselves tangled beneath the sheets. Instead of their usual fast pace, rough, and wild love making, this time was much like their first time together. It was slow and sensual. Every moan, gasp, thrust, and orgasm was locked in Brian’s memory. It was almost like a ritual that he exercised before each tour. There were many quick and meaningful I love yous shared between themselves.

The next afternoon, the family headed over to the Gena and Zack Baker’s beach front home for one last hoorah with everyone together. Ashley giggled as she watched Matt and Val coo over their newly appointed godson. A pair of muscular arms found their way around her waist as she took a sip of her beer.

“I’m really going to miss you.” Brian mumbled resting his head on his wife’s shoulder.

Ashley sighed softly and twisted to face her husband, “I know baby, I’m going to miss you too. BUT! We’ll skype and text whenever we can.”

“What if I miss something really important, like Nathaniel’s first steps or something?” Brian groaned at the thought of missing such an important milestone in his son’s life.

The musician’s wife smirked, “Brian Elwin, you’ll be gone for two weeks! Quit complaining you big baby. I think Nate is more mature than you are.”

Brian pouted which caused his wife to stand on her tippy toes and kiss him, “I love you so much.” He murmured.

“Quit making out and come join the party, douchebag!” Johnny shouted throwing a beer cap in the direction of Brian’s head.

Ashley giggled and buried her head in her husband’s chest. She rolled her eyes as she felt one of his arms release her waist most likely to raise his hand in the air to flip off his younger friend. As Zack pulled all the food outside from the kitchen, the Avenged family gathered on the deck to find their seats at the table.

Ever since day one, the group always sat in the same order. There was an empty seat at the head of the table where the fallen Jimmy would sit at. No one would dare take his seat. On either side of Jimmy would be Brian and Johnny- the two men who knew him longest. Beside Brian would be Zack and Matt beside Johnny.

That empty seat at the head of the table was just a simple reminder that their best friend, their Jimmy, was watching over them.


After the show in Albany, New York, Brian and the rest of the Avenged boys were in high spirits. It was the second to last show before they could return back home to their beloved California. Before heading on the road to their next show, the Berry brothers decided to treat the band to dinner. After showers, everyone piled into two taxis and was on their way. As he climbed into the taxi, Brian pulled out his phone and sent his wife a message which he quickly received a response to.

I love you too baby. Nathaniel misses his daddy. See you tomorrow night xoxo

The restaurant was small and crowded. It was noisy which was perfect for the rambunctious group of starving men. About half way through the meal and two bottles of wine later, Brian’s phone started ringing. It was a California number, but one that wasn’t programmed into his phone. He let it go to voicemail thinking it was some sort of telemarketer who had gotten a hold of his number. It wasn’t until the same number rang him a second and third time that he decided to answer. Brian politely excused himself from the table and headed outside.

“Hello?” He asked slightly annoyed.

A deep unfamiliar voice spoke on the other end, “Mr. Haner?”

Brian furrowed his brow, “Speaking…”

“My name is Doctor Ethan Morrow; I’m calling about your wife, Ashley.”

The guitarist’s heart dropped, “What happened? Is she alright? Where’s my son, Nathaniel?”

There was a pause before the doctor said anything, “I’m sorry sir, there's no easy way to say this. Your wife has passed away. We would like for you to come down to the hospital so we can go over all the details with you.”


“Jimmy! We miss you so much, I was wondering when you’d show up in one of my dreams.” Ashley giggled as her friend picked her up for a tight hug.

Jimmy kissed her cheek, “This is no dream, Angel. You’re home now.”

Ashley bit her lip, “Home?”

“Yup, this is your new home. The big man sent me down here to greet you.” He linked arms with her as path began to form before them.

“No, no, no… This is all wrong. You can’t be saying what I think you are. My home is in Huntington with Brian and our baby. This is just a dream.” Ashley felt her heart pounding.

“I’m sorry, sweetie. I had a hard time at first too.”

“It’s just a dream.” She whispered to herself for reassurance.

Jimmy sighed and ran a hand through his ever present cow lick, “Come on.. I want to show you something.” They remained silent as they continued to follow the path.

Ashley felt her mind racing. Nothing was making sense anymore. “Just a little bit further.” Jimmy said softly pointing towards the foggy distance. As they kept walking, a lake came into view. It was flat with just a few ripples here and there. The drummer guided Ashley to a wooden bench.

They sat and stared into the water. Ashley stared into the water and squinted her eyes. An image began to come together as she stared a bit harder. She gasped, “Jimmy… is that-?”

He nodded, “Yeah. This lake will let you see what’s going down on Earth. When I first died, I spent so much time here watching over you guys. I can’t believe how much Nathaniel’s growing up.”

Ashley remained speechless as she got up from the bench and kneeled before the water’s edge. Brian was sitting on the piano bench in their living room with Nathaniel on his lap. Ashley watched her husband kiss the back of their son’s head and began playing a familiar tune. It was the lullaby Her voice cracked slightly as she tried to sing along softly to Brian’s playing.

“Come on, baby, just look up… Let mommy just see your precious face one more time.”

Like the three month old heard his mother’s pleading, Nathaniel looked up and blinked. His delicate brown eyes were so full of life and joy. Behind her son, Ashley’s eyes wandered up to her husband- her love, her life, her Brian. After his fingers stopped moving across the keys he kept his stare straight ahead. She sighed with relief, unsure if she was ready to face Brian.

Ashley felt a hand against her skin. Jimmy moved from his seat and kneeled beside his grieving friend. She placed a light head on his shoulder as a few tears managed to trickle out of her eyes. Words were not necessary to convey what each person was feeling. Jimmy wrapped a tattooed arm around Ashley and just let her cry into his shoulder.

“Does it get easier, Jim?” She sniffled pulling away from the warm embrace. Ashley locked eyes with Jimmy as she waited for his answer.

He nodded and smiled, “Every gets a little bit brighter, Ash. This is your dreamland and we get to share and experience it all together.”