Your Chemical Kids, Im a Mechanical Bride


Jaime only lived like a block away from the Fuentes, so I didn't take to long to get back.

As I walked into the front door and up the stairs i walked past Mikes room and all I could hear was a chick moaning.

I giggled to myself and went into Vics room. He was still up playing his electric quietly.

"Hey baby," I said kissing him on the cheek.

"How was it?" He asked.

"I guess it was okay. But I didn't want to stay there, i want to stay with you babe." I looked at him.

"awe, alright baby." He smiled.

"I'm tired though, I'm about to pass out standing here." I laughed and undressed leaving just my panties on.

He undressed down to his boxers and cuddled up to me.

"Night babe."

I made breakfast the next day, while blasting Selfish Machines. It woke Vic up and he came downstairs.

"Whats this horrible music your listening to?" He asked.

I laughed. "Their called Pierce the veil. They're my favorite! You should check them out.The vocalist is amazing, he makes me melt when I hear his voice."

He laughed and put his hands on my waist and kissed me.

Someone knocked at the door, it was Jaime.

"Heey you," he said as he kissed me on the cheek. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm good, just made breakfast! Come sit and eat."

"Good choice in music" he added before he sat down.

Mike ended up coming down with the girl he was with.

"Good morning sunshine!" I said.

He looked horrible, his hair was a mess.
The chick didn't look any better.
He walked her to the door and said goodbye.

"Whats for breakfast? And why are we listening to this?"
he asked.

I laughed. "Eggs and bacon, and were listening to this because I made breakfast i get to choose what we listen to" I smiled at him and put his plate on the table.

After breakfast I went down to the beach to get some tanning in with Brandon.

I missed hanging out with him all the time so we went to have some buddy time without the boys.

"So how are you liking it?" I asked.

"I LOVE this! I'm hanging with my favorite band, my best friends DATING the Vic fkn Fuentes AND to top it all off were in San Diego. Like omfg. this is awesome." He said all happy and shit.

"Yeah buds, its like a dream come true, i never thought this would be me, i don't understand this at all, one minute I'm a crazy fan girl, the next minute I`m the lead singers girlfriend."

"I wonder if he'd ever write any songs about you."

I laughed. "Doubtful, most of his songs are about his ex's and were most likely written after they were together."

That's a scary thought. I didn't want to think about it.

Me and Brandon hung out for a few hours but had to head back for a long night's drive, we were goin to Australia for the new tour, we had to drive through the night to get to the airport in the morning. Ugh, this is gonna be fun.

We got back to the house and Mike was chillen on the couch watching a movie.

"Heey Mike, wheres Vic?" I asked.

"Oh, him and Jaime left and hour or so ago to Jaime's house."
He replied.

"um, okay." I said.

Me and Brandon went upstairs to pack.

It took us about half an hour and I decided I'd go to Jaime's house and chill with them.

I got to Jaime's and knocked on the door,

"Hey, girl." Jaime answered. "Whatsup?" He said letting me in.

"Nothin, just comin to see what you guys were up to."

Vic came out of the kitchen.

"Hey baby, we just came over to pack up some gear for the road, you know all the essentials." He said, holding up food.

Vic's hair was curly, it was gorgeous. AND he wasn't wearing a shirt.

I ran over and kissed him.

"We were just about to head back to my house." he said smiling at me.

He gave Jaime the bag full of food. I jumped on Vic and rode on his back, on the way to his house. The bus was there so we all packed our stuff in, and headed to Tony's to pick him up.

Tony was outside with his girlfriend. Man was she beautiful, i was jealous.
Brandon was harsh creepin her, looking at her through the bus windows.

Tony got on the bus.

"Dude, your girlfriend is gorgeous." Brandon said staring out the window.

Tony punched him in the arm. "I know! stop staring at her." Brandon looked away.

"Ready for this?" Vic asked everyone.

And we were off.

The drive was stupidly long. Me and Vic slept pretty much the whole way.
The airport was busy and we just woke up so we looked like shit.
On the way into the building a few fans came up and asked for autographs. It was cute, these boys sure do love their fans. They stopped to talk to them at every chance they got. Mike especially, he was the lady killer of the group, that's obvious.
I got some pretty mean looks from them when they saw me holding Vics hand, I was like whatever! you don't know me. ahha.
We finally got on the plane and had 14 hours to spare. How fun. I couldn't imagine being a pilot, or stewardess. that would suuck. We all watched movies and slept. Me and Vic visited the mile high club, even though it was illegal, it was a risk at that point we were willing to take.

Mike and Brandon charmed the pants off the stewardess' and got free drinks pretty much the whole flight. They were drunk by the time we landed in Australia. We got our rental bus and headed to the hotel we were staying in. Thankfully the boys didn't have to play tonight, i was so tired.

Our hotel room was huge! It had five beds and two bathrooms, a jacuzzi and a deck with a beautiful view. Me and Brandon were in awe, this is insane. I couldn`t believe how lucky I was. Mike left to go get some beer, and we all hopped into the Jacuzzi.
A few minutes later Mike came back with a 24 pack of bud and two 26`s of Jack Daniels.

"Oh wow," Vic said "you trying to get us drunk? ha ha"

I got up and got some glasses and ice from the fridge and poured everyone some straight whiskey. Mike helped me bring them back to the boys. Jaime took his instantly and poured another. After the first 26 and the case of beer we all got out of the jacuzzi and got dressed to go out.

I decided to wear my favorite outfit for the first time. I have this shirt that comes down a few inches under my ass and it tightens at the bottom so it fits perfectly with my body, then on top of that I wear my PTV shirt. It looks hot. I came out of the bedroom and Vics jaw-dropped.

"That is the sexiest thing I have ever seen." He said.
"ohh shut up." I laughed at him.
He gave me a kiss and grabbed my ass.
We were both pretty drunk already.
I smacked his hand away and pointed a finger at him jokingly.
He whispered in my ear, "you wait till we get home, young lady"
I kissed him and we went to meet up with the rest of them.

We left the hotel and walked around aimlessly. the city was beautiful.
Me and Vic walked hand in hand, Mike had the bottle and we all shared shots as we walked.
About an hour later, we realized that we had no idea where we were or where to go.
We were all pretty drunk by then. Tony and Jaime had already raced up and down a few things. All already had chicken fights, (I kicked Vics ass :P) and Brandon had already thrown up. We turned a corner and there was yet another liquor store, (we've seen like ten in the past hour) Mike ran in for some more booze and a pack of smokes. I went in grabbed a 26 of Vodka and a pack of smokes. We were set for another hour ahha.

We walked awhile.. Met a few drunk homeless people that Mike and Jaime had no problem talking to. And a few drunk girls that decided to befriend us and show us where the nearest nightclub was.

The nightclub was called "Explosion" and it was cool as fuck. Glow lights everywhere and stobelights all over the dance floor. the place was packed, must've been like 2 in the morning. I watched as Jaime and Brandon ran for the dance floor, I turned around for Vic and I saw this chick nibbling on his ear and rubbing his stomach as he walked, Well that's fun I
thought.. I don't know if I was jealous or angry.. I shrugged it off though, whatever shit happens. then Mike walked in with total swag, a chick on each arm, a cigarette in his mouth and a bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand. I laughed to myself, man was he drunk.
everybody on the dance floor started to cheer. I got up to go check it out, I laughed so hard to see that Brandon and Jaime were having a dance off to "don't stop believing'" By Journey.

I was gonna go back to get Vic when I see the same chick pulling him towards the bathroom.I was like uh? So I followed.

They stopped just before the door,

"Uh, I cant go in there." I heard Vic's voice.
"Why not? we cant exactly do it out in the open." The girl said.
"Sure we can."
"Uh, I guess we could but we gotta be discreet."
Then there was silence.
Expecting the worst I peeked around the corner.
Vic was handing her money, and she handed him something

Well that was a relief. I was about to kick some slut ass.
But I was still curious.
I ran back to the dance floor, the cheering was over, Brandon and Jaime were back over sitting with mike.
Both had a girl. Go figure haha.
I walked back to them and acted as if I didn't know anything.
"Wheres Vic?" I asked.
Just then he walked up and put his arm around me.
"Hey guys, I just scored some Ecstasy! You guys in?"
Brandon's eyes lit up, so did Mikes.
"Fifty points to Vic!" Mike said.

Vic handed each of us two pills.
That's when the night started.

Me and Vic grinded most of the night, Brandon took a few girls to the bathroom. that slut.

The next morning we all had the worst hangovers. None of us even woke up till like an hour before the show. The boys were touring with Sleeping With Sirens and Asking Alexandria, two of my favorite bands so I was freaking out.

The show was amazing as usual. Asking Alexandria kicked ass. There was a party after wards that we all were invited too :3

Me and Danny became really good friends right off the bat.

"Your a really cool chick, Erin" He started, "Too bad your with Vic." He winked at me.

"Awe, that's sweet. But I really like Vic, hes like my everything." I smiled.

And that's when Ben walked up.

My knees went weak. Danny caught me, "Drunk?" He asked.

"Not yet," I choked on my words.

Ben was so gorgeous, every little thing about him had me weak. Why? Even when he spoke I almost fell again,

"Hey there, I'm Ben." He smiled at me.

"Hey, I, I, I'm Erin." I stuttered.

I couldn't look at him, I knew I would fall again.

We made small talk, my stomach was so full of butterflies. I took 3 more shots.

Where is Vic I thought after about an hour of talking to Ben.

I excused myself. And went looking for him.

Mike came up to me, "hey gorgeous." Giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Mike, have you seen Vic?" He shook his head, "Nope."

"Wanna help me look for him?"

We looked everywhere, It was hard because he was probably the shortest person here.

Then I found him, making out with a girl.

My heart shattered, tears came to my eyes. Vic noticed me and pushed the girl off him and started coming towards me.

I ran. I didn't want to see him. I hated him.
♠ ♠ ♠
ohh, Vic. What an asshole eh?
Wonder what his excuse is going to be.

Erin's having some weird feelings about Ben.
Why does he make her feel that way?

Thanks for subscribing! I'm excited to keep writing this story :3