Your Chemical Kids, Im a Mechanical Bride

What a night.

I ran outside to the nearest alleyway, in hiding. Just letting myself cry. I didnt want anyone around.

My whole world felt like it ended. I heard Mike calling my name but I ignored him, I didn't want to see anyone.

I lit a smoke and puffed on it. What the hell was Vic doing? Why? I wonder how long it would have lasted if I hadn't shown up.The tears started forming again. And Mike finally found me.

"Erin, you scared the shit out of me." He sat down beside me and lit a joint, passing it to me so I could cool down.

"You and me both know what you saw in there, and I can tell you right now I dont know why he did it. All he ever talks about is you, how hes falling so hard. It just doesn't make sense."

I started crying again. I wanted my bestie, I needed my bestie.

"Thanks Mike, your such a great friend. I gotta go find Brandon."

I got up and went to the bathroom to check myself out. I cleaned myself up and went looking for Brandon.

Just then Vic came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, I was shocked. Is he dumb?

"What the fuck Vic? Get off of me!"

He looked hurt, like crushed.

"What!?" He asked.

"I saw you making out with that girl." I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

"Vic, let go of me, I dont want to talk to you. I dont want to look at you, fuck off."

I ran off. I found Brandon and we headed back to the bus. I told him everything on the way.
When we got to the bus Vic was sitting there, his cheeks were stained with tears.
Brandon left instantly after seeing Vic. I sat next to him, silent. Just waiting for him to speak.

He sighed, collecting his thoughts.

"I just wanted to start off by saying i'm sorry. It was wrong of me to kiss that girl.
I wanted to also add in, that that girl means nothing to me, she was just a fan that asked for a kiss and it went further then intended.I don't know why it did, I know its no excuse but I have been drinking and I just got lost in the moment. I am sorry baby."

He looked in my eyes and I can tell that he was sincere, I wanted to hug him and tell him it was alright. But I was still hurt, how can someone that says I am everything to them, turn around and kiss someone else? I understood that it was a fan, whatever a kiss is fine I don't even care but to like full on make out with someone?
I don't understand.

I decided to let it go though.

"Vic, how am I supposed to trust you? I dont know how long you guys were going at it for, and if I wasn't there how much further would it have gotten? Its these questions that scare me."

Just then he crashed his lips against mine, I felt at that very moment something powerful that overwhelmed anything I was feeling. The hurt, the disgust, the pain all went away. the kiss seemed to last forever but as soon as he pulled away he looked at me with his big brown eyes and said, "I love you Erin." I forgot to breathe. "I knew it as soon as I set eyes on
you I had to have you, not a minute goes by that i'm not thinking of your face. And I am holding myself back from taking you to my bunk right now to have my way with you."

I caught my breath, I was speechless, I have never had anyone ever say those things to me. " I, I, Love you too Vic. Thats why I was so hurt. when I saw you kissing that girl, my heart shattered. I felt it. I couldn't breathe. I am just falling so hard for you."

He kissed me again, picked me up bridal style and took me to his bunk, where we just laid there and kissed.


The next morning I was woken up by Mike and Tony playfighting on the bus.
I rolled over, turning into Vics arms I cuddled into his chest, "Good morning babe" He said kissing me on the forehead.

"mmm, good morning" I replied looking up at him, his perfectly straight hair turned curly over night, he was so handsome.

"What?" he said, noticing me staring at him.

"Your so handsome, babe" I said. "I could lay here all day looking at you." I smiled.
He laughed and kissed me.

We haven't had sex in awhile, I kinda liked it this way, Even though it seems he was getting a little frustrated. Me and Vic decided to have the day to ourselves, as I was getting ready I was thinking about Ben Bruce. I thought about how gorgeous he was, his accent, everything. In the little time it took me to get ready, I came to a conclusion. I love Vic, I can't breathe when im around Ben, and the thought of Jaime in bed made my heart race. I was just putting on my makeup when Vic came in and wrapped his arms around my waist, he started kissing my neck. I let out a little moan, "Hey baby," I said,

"Whats the plan for today?" I asked. "I was thinking some shopping, some lunch. beach maybe." He smiled at me.

"Sounds great, but i'll need to get a bathing suit."

We went to the mall and shopped for a few hours, I got a couple cute outfits and a bathing suit, Vic bought everything. He just kinda took it and paid for it. We went out and had sushi for lunch, then we hit up the beach.

The beach was great it was sunny and beautiful. Me and Vic were playfighting in the water when we seen a bunch of the guys walking on the beach, including Ben. Vic called them over.

"Hey you two whats up?" Jaime asked, looking at me in my bathing suit.

"Just cooling off, had a great day didn't we babe?" he kissed me on the cheek.

I smiled, and nodded. I looked at Ben, he half smiled at me. My knees went weak.
Jaime caught me

"Geeze girl have you been drinking?" Jaime asked playfully. But he totally knew what type of fall that was.

"haha no, but I could definetly use one!" I replied.

"What a great idea!" Mike chimed in, "We should have a fire on the beach tonight!"

Everyone was down for a fire at the beach, including Ben. I was a little worried.
Vic is going to notice eventually that I like Ben. But I dont like Ben..
Thats the thing. I LOVE Vic. I don't understand why I feel this way, its like the first time I
saw Vic when he turned that corner.


Fire at the beach tonight. This is gonna be fun, I thought while me and Erin were getting ready.
Ben is going to be there, i'm a little worried about Erin and him, I could tell earlier when he smiled at her he liked her, and I knew for sure she felt something when her knees went weak. I figure that if there was something between them two she would tell me. But then again, i've already cheated on her.
I feel horrible about it, I am madly deeply in love with this girl.

"You ready baby?" She asked me.
I put my arms on her waist, "Do you love me?" I asked her.
"Yes, very much." She kissed me.

She was gorgeous, she didnt dress up or anything but she always looks so perfect.
Maybe Ben deserves her more then me. We left for the beach.

I guess I was kinda glad she didnt dress up, that way I know that she isn't trying to impress anyone. When we arrived, there was mega amounts of people, Mike and Jaime were tipsy already, play fighting. Tony and his friend were chilling down by the water. Ben and Danny were talking to a few people. Me and Erin went and sat down by Mike.

Mike handed me a beer, and poured some Whiskey in a cup for Erin.
"Hows the night goin?" I asked, "And why are there so many people here?"

"I have no idea, the fire must have attracted them here, But then again Danny invited a few people."

Erin turned to me and told me she was gonna go visit, she kissed me on the cheek then left.

"Mike, I have to ask you something."
"What is it?" He asked.
"Do you think Erin and Ben have something going on?" I needed to talk to someone about it.
"What makes you think that?"
I pointed at Erin who was talking to Ben.
"Oh, I see. I dont think so. she loves you man."
"I know, But earlier at the beach when he smiled at her and her knees went weak, trust me I know what kind of fall it was."
"I dont think you understand, even if her knees go weak at Bens smile, doesn't mean shes going to leave you, She loves you Vic. shes loved you since she heard you sing the first time. Just because Ben smiled at her doesn't mean shes going to leave you for him."

I guess he was right, Erin does love me.

Erins Point of view.

We showed up at the fire, and there were a bunch of people there. We sat down by Mike and Jaime and they passed us each drinks.
I spotted Ben and Danny and I wanted to go say hi, I wanted to see what is happening here with me. I got up and headed towards them,

"Heey gorgeous" Ben said as I walked up.

I blushed, "Hey Ben," I said as he kissed my cheek.

"What are you two up to?" I asked.

"Scoping out the ladies, I got two that im going to try and take home." Danny said, smiling.

"Ohh, haha. And what about you?" I looked at Ben.

"Naah, None for me. I got my eye on someone else" He smiled at me.

I almost fell again, but I caught myself. I was prepared.
I looked back at Vic, him and Mike were in deep conversation.

"So spill! Whos the lucky lady?" I asked him.
"Its a secret!" He laughed and went to get another drink.

Brandon came up to me and Danny,

"Hey man, I havent had the chance to meet you yet" Brandon said, putting his hand out for a handshake. "Im Brandon"

"Danny" Danny replied.

"I know, haha, I love your band! Im learning to scream too."

They both started in conversation and Ben came back. Bringing me a drink as well.

"Wanna go down by the water?" He asked me.

I bit my lip, "Uh, sure."

We walked down by the water away from the crowd of people. And Vic.

"Erin, I just wanted to tell you i'm glad that I met you, I can't stop thinking about you, I know your with Vic, but I can't deny these butterflies that I get when I see you."

Just then he went in for a kiss. His lips landed on mine, It felt so right.I wanted to kiss him back, but instead I pushed him away.

"Ben, Im not going to deny it either. You make my knees weak, and my mind scramble. It seems I can't speak or think correctly when you're around. But I am in love with Vic. I'm sorry."

Just then a fist came flying out from behind me, hitting Ben square in the jaw.
Ben fell backwards into the sand.


Vic lifted his leg to kick Ben in the stomach when Danny tackled him to the ground to hold him back.

"Vic! Its okay!" I yelled at him. He glared at me.

That look, just killed me on the inside.
Does he not trust me?

I left to go find Brandon, I couldn't find him anywhere.

I decided to go find Jaime, he was the next best thing.

I found him back at the fire.

"Jaime, can you take me back to the hotel? Please?" I was already in tears.

"Oh my god, Erin are you okay!?" Jaime got up and hugged me. "Lets take you back."

We started to walk away from the fire while Vic walked towards it.
I looked back at him, tears stained his cheeks. We both connected eyes, and I looked away.


I don't know what came over me. I was sitting at the fire with Mike, when I looked up and saw Ben kissing Erin. I saw her push him away but by that time I was already furious.

I had an idea that there was something between them, and now I'm really wondering if there actually is. Did she push him away because I was around? Has she kissed him before? These thoughts are running through my mind.

I sat at the campfire with Mike all night. I'm not going to lie, I felt horrible.

Erins POV

"Can I stay with you tonight?" I asked Jaime, "I don't want to see him tonight. I need to think about things."

"Sure" He said. "But you'll have to stay in my room." He laughed.

We got back to the hotel and we sat in the livingroom area.

"Can you tell me what happened now?"

I told him about how Ben made me feel, but that I love Vic and I would never hurt him. I told him about how Ben pulled me away to talk and he confessed all these feelings over me and kissed me. I told him that I just pushed Ben away when Vic came up and knocked him out.

"Wow," He began. "But do you think Vic was out of line?"

"I actually don't think he was, I just think he should have taken it a different way."

We both talked, and eventually fell asleep on the couch.
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How are they going to work this one out?
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