Your Chemical Kids, Im a Mechanical Bride

Well, this is unexpected.

When we got to the next city it was about 9:00 in the morning.
We all piled into our hotel, just to go back to sleep.
I fell asleep for about an hour and got up to go to the washroom.
I checked my phone and there was a text from Ben again.

"Don't be mad at me, when I grabbed your phone yesterday I memorized your number :)"

I texted back, "Leave me alone please."
And went into the washroom, when I came out there was another text from Ben.

"Hey now, don't be mean. I just want to see you again."

I decided to go wake up Vic and show him the text,

"Well text him back, tell him when and where. He might leave you alone this way." Vic said.

I was kind of shocked, I thought he would freak out.
So I picked up my phone, and texted him back.

"Okay fine, when and where?"

He texted me back almost right away. He wanted to meet me at the restaurant across from the hotel.

I had a shower and got ready. I just wore some skinnies and a band shirt.

When I got to the restaurant Ben was already there sitting at a table.
When he seen me he smiled and winked.
The butterflies in my stomach started up again.

"Heey gorgeous" He said when I sat down.

"Um, hi" I replied. "What did you want to see me for?"

"Wow, lots of hostility here. I just wanted to say I apologize if I came off weird and creepy, I guess what I did was kind of out of line, and I realize I went about it all wrong. But I don't know what it is about you, you haven't left my mind since I first met you that night. You are all I ever think about, and I guess i"m being greedy but I want you, I want all of you. And I can tell you want me too."

I was speechless.

"You know what? Even if I did, I'm not going to ruin my relationship over you." I said.

"I plan on getting you either way." He smiled at me.

Shivers ran down my spine.

"Don't even think about touching me." I said.

"Oh don't worry, I won't force you into anything you don't want. You can't rape the willing you know." He winked at me.

Oh, god. He was right.

"Leave me alone will you!?" I got up to leave, but he stopped me.

"I can make you happy Erin, I will love you more then he ever could. I want you, and I will always want you."

I don't know if I should be creeped out or flattered over this.

"Ben I," He bent over the table and kissed me, I couldn't help myself but kiss back, but as soon as I thought about what I was doing, I pushed him off me. It caused him to lose his balance and he fell onto the floor.

There was my opening.

"Ben, leave me alone." and I left.

When I got back to the hotel the boys were gaming, except for Vic who was on his computer.
I went and sat with Mike, who was watching Brandon beat Jaime's ass in killing Zombies.
Mike wrapped an arm around me and kissed me on the cheek,

"Hey you" He said smiling at me.

"Hey Mike" I smiled back.

We just sat there in silence, and all I could think about was Ben.
I have mixed feelings over this, I like him, its obvious. But I love Vic and that's that. But Ben was starting to get a little bit creepy, and obsessive. By this time everyone knew about all of this, and I had no idea what they felt about it.

"Mike, can we go outside for a smoke?" I asked.
He nodded and we went outside.

I lit my smoke, and started talking.

"So I guess you know whats going on with Ben?" I asked him.

"Yeah, well I only know that he is like in love with you, and hes becoming really creepy." he said.

"How did you hear about it?"

"Vic told me."

"What did he say about it?" I asked

"Just that he loves you, and he isn't about to give up on you. Hes gonna fight for you if he has to." Mike gave me a serious look.

"Omg what does he think is going to happen!?" I said. "Ben isn't going to do anything to hurt me. Believe that."

"Okay okay," He said. "But I have something to say to you."

Oh god. What is it now?

"And whats that?"

"I want you again." He looked at me.

Are you serious?
I looked him up and down, I caught myself biting my lip.
I thought of him, the last time we did it, he was so hot. And he knows what hes doing.

"Um, but I can't I don't know if you remember but I'm in a relationship with your brother."

He laughed at me.

"I'll talk to him."

And he went inside.

I finished my smoke and went inside, I could hear Vic yelling in the other room, and Mike wasn't back on the couch.

I guess he decided to talk to Vic right away.

I walked into the room they were in, Mike was sitting there while Vic was in front of him yelling.
He didn't even notice me come in.

"What the hell Mike? Shes my girlfriend! The woman I love! She's not just a piece of meat!"

I went back out the door and stood beside it.

"I'm sorry but I have had this aching need for her, I can hear you two in the bunk and her voice gets me crazy, I have to have her, for one night! please?"

It was quiet, I was guessing Vic was thinking.
I was kind of hoping he would say yes, but I left before hearing the answer.
I decided to go for a walk, outside the hotel. I needed to think about things.

I stood outside the door and lit another cigarette and my phone went off.

"Hey babe, what are you doing outside?" It was Ben.

I looked around, I didn't see him anywhere.
I texted him back.

"How did you know I was outside? You creeper."

I got a text back like ten seconds later.

"I"m outside too."

I looked up and he somehow ninja'd his way beside me and touched my arm.

"Hey" He said,

I shrugged his hand off me

"Uh, hi." I looked at him, "What part of leave me alone didn't you get?"

"Don't you get it Erin? I have no intentions of leaving you alone." He laughed at me. "I heard Mike and Vic talking about you, I guess Mike wants you too eh?"

"How the hell did you hear that?" I asked, kind of creeped out.

"Babe, my room is beside yours, I can hear everything, especially with Vic yelling. That shits hard not to hear."

"Don't call me babe. I'm not yours" I looked at him angrily.

"I'm here to tell you an idea I had." He said.

"And whats that?" I asked, curious.

"If you talk to Vic, and let me have you for a night, I will leave you alone." He smiled. "And he can let Mike have you too, same night I have you, so he knows your okay."

I thought about it.
I really want him to leave me alone, and Ben is gorgeous. And in some awful way I want him as well.

"You talk to Vic about it, or even Mike. This is your idea, and you can deal with it. Now please go away, I don't want Vic thinking I came out here to talk to you."

He kissed me on the cheek, and walked back into the hotel.

I finished my smoke and went inside. I doubt Vic will let it happen.
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I'm thinking about doing the next chapter entirely in Vics POV.

What do you think?