Status: Updating as much as possible =D

Shit-Holes Like This Were Never So Fun!

Chapter 5

So, Jack Sparrow...alright guy I suppose, but I'm sure he nearly laughed at my name...I can't blame him really, its a stupid name. Then again, the weirdo insists on being called captain. He helped me get back home though, which is nice enough, regardless of whether or not I was actually lost.

I wasn't. I know London like the inside of my eyelids.

Honestly, I don't think anyone knows the back of their hand that well, unless they've examined it and what do you see when you close your eyes? The inside of your eyelids! Anyway...

I wonder how much I'll get yelled at when I get in. I wonder if Jack smokes, maybe I can get cigarettes off him...

I still think he's a weirdo. Time to face the parents. Surprise, surprise, my dad collars me as soon as I get through the gate.

"Indoors. Now."

"What dad, not even a hello?" I smirk.

I'm so full of shit sometimes. I pay for my attitude when he grabs me by the back of my shirt and forces me into a chair at the dining table opposite my mother. I feel like I'm in a police interrogation.

"I'm going to get to the point Sweeney, darling."

I'm not going to like whatever she's about to say.

"I don't want to see you hanging around with the Sparrow boy again. He's got a criminal record; he's a bad influence."

"So you want me to be social and make friends, and the moment I do that you change your mind?" I frowned "I think I'll make my own judgement on Jack Sparrow thanks."

I made to get out of my chair and leave, but my dad smacked me round the head and told me to sit down. He doesn't abuse me or anything, I kinda ask for it with my attitude and honestly, its hilarious.

"The smoking." My mum starts again. "It has to stop."

"It really doesn't." I retort, making to get up again.

"We're not done talking to you yet!" My dad says firmly, pushing me back into my chair.

"The way you treat your little brother is..."

I tune out, my mum can be background noise if she wants, but I can't be bothered to listen to her. I'll be out later anyway so I won't have to listen to her anyway.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gah! I'm sorry it took so long, I'm doing my exams at school so I'm very busy. I hope you enjoyed!
*apologies for any errors, I wrote and updated this on my phone*