It wasn't us.

Then, it was the absence of you.

" I don't believe you," Mitch choked out. His voice slightly broke at the end, since he had just woken up. There was a small, soft chuckle coming from the other end of the phone line.

"That's perfectly fine with me," The tone of her voice made Mitch shiver. There was definitely humor in her voice.

" What's that supposed to mean?" Mitch asked softly, but not quite a whisper. No response but -yet again- a small chuckle. Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, Mitch sat up and ran a hand through his bed head hair. " That isn't exactly an answer," He whispered.

"It's nothing, really," She whispered mockingly back. There was a small shuffle in the background and she said in a normal tone, " It's getting late and I have a test in the morning tomorrow. I have to go. Bye, Mitch." Suddenly, Mitch felt the urge to say it.

"Wait! I think I lo- " There was a small click at the end of the line, that indicated that she had already hung up. Lifting the phone from his ear, Mitch stared at the blank phone screen.

"Shit. She hangs up way too fucking fast," Mitch placed his head in his hands, clearly flushed. The sudden beeping of the alarm clock beside him made Mitch jump out of his skin. Slamming his hands onto the snooze button, he stood and threw on a shirt.

" You wake up too fucking early," Anson - Mitch's roommate- grumbled, clearly mocking Mitch. He looked at Mitch from the opening between his blanket and his pillow. "Atlantic City chick, again?"

"She has a name, you know. And yeah," Mitch answered.

Anson rolled his eyes and got up with a massive bed head. " You never told me, remember?" he reminded me as he glanced around the room, eyes darting everywhere.

" It's Chloe. Chloe Collins. " Mitch made his bed -poorly- just as a distraction from looking at Anson in his underwear.

" Cool. She has the same last name as me.-- Fuck! Where are my pants?" Anson said as he dug through his monstrous pile of clothes in the corner of his side of the room.

"Anson Collins? That's... weird. Pants. Clothes rack," Mitch jerked his head towards the sad clothing rack along the door.

" Don't be a bitch," Anson headed towards the door and let out a cry of relief. " Awh, I missed you, baby." He exclaimed as he ran his jeans over his right cheek. " You miss me? That's good. It's okay, we're back together now," Anson made mushy faces at pants as he started walking towards his bed.

"Ew, no. No. No. " Mitch almost gagged as he left the room, leaving Anson putting on his pants in a rush.


" You're telling me you know her? For five fucking years before she moved? Transferred? Whatever the fuck she did? " Anson exclaimed as he pointed frantically at Chloe's photo on Mitch's laptop. Mitch sighed as he absently poked his steak absently.

" Yeah, I did. And it's six years," Mitch corrected. Anson slapped the back of Mitch's head.

" Dammit, Mitch! You should've told me these things! " Anson exclaimed and started pouting. His blond hair slightly covering his eyes.

" I did ! " Mitch rubbed the back of his head, sending silent death glares at him. " You were either sleeping, fell asleep during, said you were sleeping but really not or just flat out pulled out your ipod so you couldn't hear me. You did that for two straight years."

Anson arched his eyebrows together, clearly trying to remember. He placed his hand on his chin, stroking his imaginary beard and flipped his blond hair out of his eyes. He was wearing his favorite V-neck tee that showed his collar bones and his -lover- jeans, it made him look perfect ( From the whispers around them.) well, lazy perfect. " Oops, maybe you did..." he apologized and went back to Chloe's picture.

Mitch looked, too. Even if he already knew how she looked like, every time he looked at the picture, it took his breath away. Her green eyes stared at the camera lens and her brown hair was braided to the side, she was also wearing an off-the-shoulder white long sleeved shirt with Minny mouse on it. It was an image of her from afar - not stalker-ish afar), right in front of her. She was smiling at whoever was taking the picture.

Suddenly, Anson tapped Mitch's arm frantically. " Dude, fuck are you doing?" Mitch asked, pushing Anson's arms away from him.

" We should go visit her," Anson moved his eyebrows up and down and made his ultimate creeper smile at Mitch.

" Why? Besides, she has tests and we have classes, there's no time." Mitch shrugged. Anson hit the back of his head again in frustration.

" You. You're like the top student in this entire grade - reading is exceptional. Me? I just don't give a fuck about my attendance. So, let's just go! " Anson explained all too happy. He had a point. And he was slightly lying. But, hey, a week wouldn't hurt....



" Please tell me again why the fuck you just dragged me to my car, threw me my keys, put your fucking bags in my trunk and demand I take you to fucking Atlantic City ." Jase - with all his green haired beauty- complained as he started the engine.

" One, I helped you meet Ameilia. Two, you accidentally spilled mac & cheese over my head last summer, which burnt like fuck, by the way. And three, 'cause I'm fucking adorable ," Anson said as he slid into the shotgun seat and sat beside Jase- who threw him a look and turned to Mitch, who was sitting in the back.

" Your explanations? Please by reasonable," Jase rolled his eyes at Anson. Mitch shrugged.

" Haven't seen my girlfriend in two years." Mitch said. Jase made an ouch face at that and shook his head.

" Okay, you got me. But you're paying for gas and shit," Jase said to more Anson than Mitch as He reversed the car.

" Just drive , douche. --I mean, Bro! " Anson started laughing as Jase sent him a look that clearly said " Bitch, STFU."

Jase's dark green hair glowed in the sun - but Anson's blond hair out-glowed him- But it was really his " style" that caught people's eye. his style was plain & simple. You can throw paint on his shirt and he'll just shrug it off and continue to wear it. Mitch didn't understand why, but the girls called it "HOT."

" Just pick a fucking radio station already! " Jase yelled at Anson who was surfing the radio stations like mad.

" You have the most suck-ish radio--ever! " Anson yelled defensively back.

" Mitch," Jase ignored Anson and reached his hand blindly backwards towards Mitch. "Pass me my jacket."

Mitch looked around the backseats and found a black leather jacket. " Are you fucking kidding me? It's like 100 degrees outside."

" Shut up. That's my baby right there," Jase said as he grabbed the jacket from Mitch's hands.

" Yeah..." Jeez. What was with these two and clothes?


" I got a pocketful, pocketful of sunshine! I got a love and I know that it's all mine! Oh~ Oho~ " Anson sang along the the radio. The sky outside way dark blue and stars were shining brightly.

" You seriously are the loudest person I have ever met," Jase rolled his eyes but he was smiling as well. " So, Mitch, how long have you been dating this Chloe? "

" Five years," Mitch said automatically without even thinking about it.

" Wow... And still going strong? Damn. Makes Ameilia and me look like crap," Jase smiled.

" Yeah, he talks to her every single day at the crack of dawn," Anson added as he smiled and waved to the neighboring car of girls.

" That's intense," Jase smiled at Mitch through the rear view mirror. " I have a question. Or really just a note. I am not going to drive all fucking night."

Mitch and Anson shared a quick glance at each other and Anson quickly held up his hands. " Hey, oldest goes first." Anson flicked his head towards Mitch.

" ...I somehow feel insulted," Jason murmured and stopped at a red light.

" Jase, can we grab something to eat?" Mitch asked, eyeballing the restaurant northwest from the red light.

"Ew. Don't ever ask like that again. You sound like Ameilia," Jase commented.


" What a coincidence," The waitress with long hair tied up in two ponytails at the side of her head placed her hands onto her waist. She was staring directly at Jase, who stared back.

" You work here? Never knew that," Jase smiled.

" Wow. What a nice boyfriend you are. Orders?" The waitress turned toward Anson and Mitch.

" I'll get some fettucini, Ameilia." Anson smiled. Ameilia, Jase's girlfriend, jotted it down in her little notepad and pointed her pen at Mitch.

" You?"

" Uh...cheeseburger? " Mitch said.

" I'll have pasta," Jase added and winked when Ameilia glared at him.

" Bitch, get it yourself." Ameilia shot at Jase but jotted it down as well.

" Well, isn't she lovely?" Jase smiled dreamily at Ameilia and put his chin in his hands. He looked lovesick.

" I... guess. I can see she's Ameilia as ever," Anson said and gulped down his water.

" Stop looking at me like that, it's scary," Ameilia told Jase right away as she brought over a tray full of food.

" But it's fun," Jase smiled. Ameilia rolled her eyes and turned to Mitch.

" Hi there, I'm Ameilia. " She smiled " Would you mind telling me why you guys are in this part of town?"

" We're going to Atlantic City," Anson chimed in as he ate his fettucini.

Ameilia turned toward Jase, her expression couldn't be seen by Mitch, or Anson.

" You were leaving for three days without telling me?" She asked.

" I texted you," Anson said, food in his mouth.

Ameilia leveled a finger at Anson. " Shh."

" You can come with us, you know. " Jase stood up, looking at Ameilia directly in the eyes. Jase was a head taller than Ameilia but she still look intimidating.

Just then, Jase grabbed Ameilia's hand and led her towards the door but stopped by the counter to shout " Ameilia's taking a week off! " towards her boss.

" A week?!" Ameilia and her boss shouted in unison as Jase pulled her out the door.

" What's got into him?" Mitch asked Anson as soon as Jase pulled Ameilia into the backseat of his car.

Anson shrugged his shoulders. " He's always like that around Ameilia. " he put a mouth full of fettucini into his mouth and glanced back to the car. " He automatically turns into a selfish little kid. it kind of makes me not want a girlfriend."


The rest of the car ride was full of:

1] Anson trying to find a decent radio station.
2] Ameilia and Anson yanking one another's chains.
3] Mitch's never-ending stomach.
4] Jase and Ameilia having quiet, romantic talks.
5] Anson glancing at Chloe's photos.
6] Anson's terrible driving.
7] More chain yanking.
8] Jase and Ameilia kissing.
9] Anson waving at strangers.
10] Singing along to the radio horribly.
11] Mitch complaining about no wifi.
12] Soft and long conversations between Mitch and Chloe at the crack of dawn.
13] Ameilia's cursing at horrible drivers.
14] Fast food.
15] Anson screaming his name outside the car window every time they got into a new city.

When Ameilia pulled the car over at the front gate of Atlantic Cape, Mitch just wanted to cry of relief.

" Here, right?" Ameilia glanced at Mitch through the rear view mirror. Mitch nodded and opened the door and took in a deep breath of fresh air.

" You do have her dorm number, right?" Anson asked as he got out the car as well.

" She's at a party right now," Mitch said as he glanced at the text message Chloe had just recently sent him.

Jase and Ameilia came over to them with intertwined fingers. " So you're surprising her?" Jase asked. Mitch nodded blankly and followed the sudden loud burst of music.

There were a few drunk teenagers on campus along the way to where the party was held. Anson spotted the source of the music and waved them to follow him.

Stepping into the party was like stepping into a club. There were people dancing right at the doorway. Or at least trying to dance, they were clearly drunk.

" How does she look like?!" The girl that Anson was talking to shouted to be heard above the music.

" Brown hair? Green eyes? Uhm... Chloe Collins!" Anson shouted. The girls expression noted that she knew who he was talking about.

" Chloe? She's over there!" The girl pointed towards a group of people crowding over something ( or someone ) shouting and clapping. Mitch suddenly felt an overwhelming feeling. He pushed -drunk- people over as he made his way towards the crowd.

There was Chloe. And a guy.

They were french kissing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Anson: YES. I will be known in all those cities!

Ameilia: And y'know, arrested for being such a disturbance.


Ameilia: He did?

Anson: Yeah, I did. I'm not that stupid.

Jase: You skipped school.

Anson: Speak for yourself.

Jase: Move. My butt hurts.