My Perfect Prom Isn't Perfect, but That Is the Point


I walked into the hotel’s ballroom. When I walked in I saw it was dimly lit with tables scattered off to the left, while to the right there was just open space to dance. I walked in wondering what I was doing here. I shouldn’t have come. He will be here and I’m not sure I can handle that. I have managed to avoid him for a year, but here… here I can’t avoid him. There are lots of people, but not enough to hide me for the whole night.

All I want to do is run away, but I need to be strong and stay. My friend Nathan is here anyway and begged me to come. Still I don’t think it was a great idea because all my friends have a date so I will be a third wheel or whatever odd number wheel I would be. I mean I know they wanted me to come so I wouldn’t miss out, but I’m not sure I handle this.

In the corner of the room there is a boy sitting alone at a table. His head is in his hands as he watches all the happy couples dance. He is looking out at the people dreaming. He is dreaming of how his night should be going and it clearly isn’t going the way he planned it. The look in his bright blue eyes is sadness and longing. Some of his brown hair falls into his eyes, but he does nothing to fix it. He just lets it stay not caring. Then his eyes meet my brown green eyes depending on what color hey decided to be at the moment.

His eyes froze me, but my eyes didn’t freeze him. He walked up to me without breaking eye contact. When he reached me he grabbed my face and shamelessly kisses me with more passion than I ever thought humanly possible. He hot lips were burning through mine and all I did was pull him closer to me for more. All I wanted was him, in that moment and forever.

Eventually I came to my sense and pulled away earning a whine of protest from him.

“but—“ I begin before being cut off.

“I know. I was stupid, I’m sorry. Eventually Nathan got me listen to the truth. I’m an idiot. I love you. I always have, and I always will. I have been trying to find you forever, but as we both know you are amazing at avoiding people. I love you. I love you. I love you!” Zach tells me with his bright blue eyes staring straight into mine.

“You said you would never say I love you unless you meant it, and for you to mean it you would die for that person because you simply can’t live without them.”

“I know and I have still kept that promise. I love you Mady. I love you with all my heart and more. I have no idea what I would do without you. Without you there is no point to my life, honestly.”

“Zach! I have waited for you to tell me that. I love you too.”

“Be my girlfriend again?”

“Of course!”

“Warning you, however, that I don’t think I want the title of your boyfriend for long. Soon I think I will want the title of your fiancée.”

“Well I can’t wait for the title change then.” I tell my one true love Zachary David Porter before tenderly kissing his sweet lips.

That was my prom night. My prom doesn’t seem perfect because I didn’t walk in with the boy of my dreams. I didn’t walk in excited. I didn’t look forward to the day. I didn’t get a corsage. I didn’t get all of the typical prom things. I mean no guy asked in a cute way, none of that. I did however get the perfect prom. I got the perfect prom because I got my boy back, and that is all I could ever want and ask for.

The perfect prom isn’t having all the ideal things happen to you, it’s spending it with a boy who makes you feel like a princess even if you are wearing chucks.