Glasses Geeks and Chemical Romances

When lonely awkward teen Christine has to move from sunny LA,California to Newark,New Jersey .Things get pretty rough at her new home.Until she meets a (also very awkward) but adorable Michael James Way (Mikey Way). High school art partners bond slowly and it’s nothing close to a chemical romance. But when they are traveling far from eachother. But when they reunite @ a music convention, Will this close friendship spark,or leave a messy reaction.
—Includes Characters like…..
-Frank Iero
-Gerard Way
-Ray Toro
-Bob Bryar

  1. Airplanes and Upsets(Christine's POV)
    Christine is unfortunately forced to live with her father with her little 9 year old sister Jovi. When their parents divorced after 17 years of marriage,this is just the beginning...and it all starts on an airplane
  2. Dad,and Her (Christine's POV)
  3. High School (Christine's POV)
  4. Glasses are the New Black...AWESOME! (Christine's POV)
  5. Things are best kept to yourself (Mikey's POV)
  6. Somethings were meant to be unsaid (Mikey's POV)
  7. What the?!? (Christine's POV)
  8. Butterflies and Vomit (Christine's POV)
  9. Smashing Pumpkins! (Christine's POV)
  10. Yesterday's Feelings (Mikey's POV)
  11. Go Ahead Already! (Christine's POV)
  12. wait! What Wait What the F (Mikey's POV)
  13. How to crack a skull-awkward edition (Christine's POV)
  14. where to next? (Christine's POV)
  15. Too hot Coffee (Christine's POV)
  16. Meet Elena…and get embarrassed later
  17. What the creature knows best (Christines POV)
  18. To Poison a Family (Christine's POV)
  19. I saved a life…to save my own (Christine's POV)
  20. The things I learned from the dead (Mikey's POV)
  21. Surprise at a funeral (Christine's POV)
  22. Go Away! (Christine's POV)
  23. So Long and Goodnight (Christine's POV)
  24. Coming back to a surprise (Christine's POV)
  25. Not Fragile (Christine's POV)
  26. Sappy and Crappy (Switching POV)
  27. To the Park! no we go to Starbucks first (Mikey's POV)
  28. Coffee Basketball Mikey's POV
  29. I love you…really (Christine then Mikey's POV)
  30. Unaware of my Passion (Christine's POV)
  31. Morning showers and conversations involving spitting out your coffee (Christine then Mikey's POV)
  32. That Awkward moment when… (Christine then Mikey's POV)