You Only Get One Shot

School Daze


I. Civil War Battles
A. Fort Sumter- no deaths, misleading
B. Antietam- single bloodiest day, Confederates lost
1/3 of army
C. Gettysburg- bloodiest battle, turning point, Confederates on retreat
II. Top 10 Greatest Albums of All Time
1. Ramones by Ramones
2. Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club by the Beatles
3. London Calling by the Clash
4. Dookie by Green Day
5. Tommy by the Who
6. Energy by Operation Ivy
7. Monster by R.E.M.
8. Hair by???
9. Jesus Christ Superstar by Andrew Lloyd Webber
10. The Hurting by Tears for Fears (don’t judge)

You know what? Fuck notes. I hate this school. All this place is is a training facility.
They’re training us all to be their little worker bees and to keep the economy going so all the senators in D.C. can stay all nice in comfy in their big mansions. Yeah, that’s it Mr. C, keep giving me that goddamn glare because you know I’m not paying attention. Go get screwed up the ass by Mr. Downy in the janitor’s closet. That’s right; we all know you two are fuck buddies. The kissing behind the math trailers when you thought no one was looking kind of tipped most of us off. I swear to God if Joey doesn’t stop poking me in the neck with that goddamn pencil of his I’ll….

I. Why 2 Day Suspension Is the Most Asinine Punishment In History
A. you’ll have no make-up work
B. you don’t have to go to school
C. you get to sit on your ass all day
D. you don’t have to go to school
E. you can smoke, drink, cuss and do whatever you want all you want
F. you don’t have to go to school

Personally I think Hawthorne was a shit, excuse me, a crap writer. His sentences were long and drawn out to the point you couldn’t follow it. And what’s the deal with having a whole book revolve around sex, but there’s no actual sex to be found in the book. I call that cruel and unusual punishment, which is unconstitutional, which is why I’m burning the Scarlet Stupid Ass Letter when I get home. Justice must be done!

Please find x
It’s directly across from the triangle’s right corner.

-Never start sentences with “but” or “and”
-Never start multiple sentences with the direct object
- Never assume a girl wants to date you because she gives you head. Tina Spitz, I hope you get aids.

Bamd Names
-Suburban Rejects
-Generation Kangaroo (hidden meaning)
-Stoopid Sandwich
-Dr. Who and the Sci-Fi’s
-We R Great
-The Witch Kings
-I’m In a Band Fuck Me Now (long, but gets the general goal out there)

I hate this, it makes me sick. You spend your whole life being told what to do. “Clean your room. “Take out the trash.” “Go to class.” “Don’t stand there.” Well fuck them, not me, I’m not taking this shit. I refuse to be another mindless robot for the government to control. I’ll breathe in my own goddamn fashion. I’ll…How do you know Mr. C? Every time I act up you know! Yeah that’s it keep filling out my detention form and slamming shit around like you’re a tough guy. Fuck it, I’m dropping out.