Awesomeness Personified

Never one to follow the crowd, Summer is a quick witted fifteen year old who follows her heart and more importantly her own mind.
Since her one and only boyfriend packed off to Australia, Summer is completely over love and is ready to enjoy her new found freedom.
Well that is until a new boy called Zac arrives at school- he’s American, hot and instantly popular and strikes up an unlikely friendship with Summer, much to his perfectly poisonous girlfriends annoyance.
Summer tries to stay out of his way as she has bigger problems to deal with such as her family life is spiralling out of control and she has her own friends to deal with.
But can a fiercely individual ‘uncool’ girl like Summer really defy the stereotype and be ‘more-than-friendly’ with the most popular in school or is she destined to fade back into the background?
Well if you’re Summer the only thing you can do is be yourself.
  1. First Day To The Rest Of My Life
  2. 'It's A Metaphor Leah'
    Meet The Family
  3. Chips And Zac
    Intoducing Zac..