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We Way? Three Way!

And We Would've Gotten Away With It, Too

“And what else did you do during the night you almost went on a killing spree?” Padre said. They were trying to find out everything, since apparently I was the oldest and therefore the most responsible.

“Well, I also climbed around on the balcony like a monkey, made a weird soapy-thingy with all of the bathroom stuff we have and.... hmmm... what else...” I paused to think. I saw Frank trying to get my attention and motioning not to say anything. Of course the smart thing to do would be to say it anyway.

“Oh, and I also made out with Frankie.” I blurted out. I actually felt quite proud of myself for that. Daddy G’s head tilted to the side and he smiled really creepy at Frank. By this point, Padre, Papa, and Mommy were slowly backing away from him.

“All of you. Go to your rooms.” He said through his teeth. “NOW.” Frank started to leave too.

“NOT YOU.” I could hear shouting and lots of crashes from my room. Becca and Natalie woke up from the noise and were with me. Daddy G came into my room holding Frankie by the ear. He had a black eye and a nose bleed. Daddy G had a bruise on his cheek and a little bit of blood coming out of the side of his mouth.

“Frank, say you’re sorry.” He said, his teeth still clenched.

“Sorry.” Frankie said.


“I’m so sorry.”


“It’ll never happen again.”


“Now I can’t be alone with you anymore.”

“Great. Now you’re going to spend the night on the balcony and I’m going to bed. Goodnight.” Daddy G pointed to Frankie, finally letting go of his ear. All I can say is.... CRAP.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yep. So, that happened.