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We Way? Three Way!

Best Greeting Ever

“You dumbass!"
Black Hair was dragging in another guy by the ear, screaming profanities and threats about stealing dogs, if I remember correctly. By far the best greeting, from anyone, that we’d ever seen.

Along with a ton of other random crap, there were a few coloring books strewn around my bed, and a keyboard propped up against the wall next to it. Becca, Jill, and I shared it. I’m a bit of a fail when it comes to music, but it doesn’t stop me from trying. Window Stalker Person made a dive for my bed, landing perfectly, and picked up the dinosaur coloring book in the middle. He began filling it in with a horrid shade of pink. Other than that, the atmosphere of the room was perfectly lovely.

“If you’re gonna use pink, you at least have to color in the lines…”

“Shut up and give your monster a tongue, will you?”
Suddenly, Blonde Hair spoke up. “Umm…guys? I’m not sure how much these girls appreciate this…Maybe we should tell them out names, at least…”

“Believe me, this is cooler than anything we’ve experienced in a while. Carry on.” Becca said, picking up a black crayon and trying to make Window Stalker Dude’s picture just a little less obnoxious.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mibba is being... confusing. If it still refuses to say so, this chapter was actually written by NoRaindropsOnRoses.