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We Way? Three Way!


“C’mon Natalie, you’re destined to be the ninja of the family since you got a head start in martial arts, help a sister out! I want a ballet recital with kick! Literally, actually.”

“Not now, Becca. Some girl said some nasty things and I kind of want to be alone.” She was upset, that much was clear, but my skills lied with… anything but helping people. So I sent a team of father’s her way and decided to bug Jill. Only to find her snuggled up with Frank, the only dad I’d missed. They were kissing. Like, face sucking-hands-tangled-in-each-other’s-hair kissing.

“I think I’m gonna puke…” I mumbled, deciding to go back to Natalie instead. I knew a perfect song, because honestly, what could help better than music? I had to tweak the lyrics, so it came out a bit choppy and disoriented,

“Believe me, Natalie, listen Natalie. This is your last chance to find A dojo mat to try flips on Please believe me, Natalie Listen Natalie This is your last chance to find A dojo worth fighting for, Forget what they said before now Leave the oh-no's out And believe me, Natalie Listen Natalie This is your last chance There is an old cliché That some people say, Remember the kiyai Right when Sensei shouts Forget what they said in the dojo Leave the oh-no's out Yes, there is an old cliché Don’t listen anyway, You left the old you at the door If with regrets I hope no more In that old hallway Jill would agree We’d been there for a long time, Believe me, Natalie This is your last chance To find a dojo Forget what she said And walk away If the dreams for us can't get you through, just one more day It's alright by me, We’ll help you somehow, There's no time for survival left. The time is now...Cause this might be your best chance to kick ass.” I attempted, but walking out in the rain from ballet to the car had left me shivering and sneezing so everything came out in a congested sort of voice. “Ta da?” I asked, hoping I did the Killers at least a little bit of justice.

“Becca that was-”

“Frank! You just bit me!” Daddy G took off for Jill’s room faster than I thought he could. Natalie followed closely, also surprising me with her speed. I’d always thought of myself as the runner of the family due to my severe height compared to Natalie and Jillian. But, Natalie was the only one who actually ran, so I suppose that ultimately brought her much above me in that respect.

“I meant… Frankenstein! Seriously! He was just in here, and he bit my toe.” I could hear Jill trying to cover her tracks from all the way down the hall, so this must’ve been digging Frank into a pretty deep hole of deep dark eight legged horrors. She was the one in trouble, so she could get herself out of it. Shrugging, I headed into my own room, shut the door and put on my headphones before clicking on my preferred choice of dance music.

“It’s these substandard motels on the lalalalala, corner of fourth and Freemont- street,” Spin, spin, tipppppppp toe, “Appealing only because they’re just that unappealing, any practiced Catholic would cross themselves upon entering.”

‘Butterfly, not a fish. Butterfly, not a fish. Butterfly-fish!’ I couldn’t help myself from jumping and waving my arms. It was a horrible habit that with an origin I was unsure of. ‘Right. Focus.’ I started humming along, frowning as the music cut into something different.