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We Way? Three Way!


“Alright. Everyone got their clothes?” Ray asked, holding a pad of paper and a pen. “That includes socks and shoes, Becca. You can’t go to California barefoot.”

“Oh. Um, hang on.” I replied, rushing up the stairs to grab my handy-dandy converse and 6 pairs of mismatched socks, only to find Natalie climbing back into the house via her bedroom window. I always kept my foot wear here because I didn’t want it staring at me while I slept.

“Natalie! What the hell? Where’ve you been? We made sandwiches! And you weren’t there to help me make sure the crusts were even! All we got was a note, and admittedly delicious cheese soup, but still.”

“Sorry, needed some time to myself to think and stuff. I’ll just throw my stuff in my bag and it’ll be fine.”

“Alright, but if you forgot to bring F*ckin Mars, Cupcake said he’s not consoling you. I swear, I think he’s no his unicorn period.”


“Boy unicorns get their unicorn period! It’s true! They act nasty for a week, and then they bake cookies! It’s actually not so bad to deal with, because I get cookies! Cookieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!”

“O…kay then.  Don’t forget the ducky spoon. There’s apparently good pizza in California, and it would stink if you had no spoon to eat it with…”

“Already got it. Now I’m going to go pray I don’t get sick on the plane.”
Running across the hall to grab Cupcake and both of our sunglasses(I’d finally gotten contacts, which meant I could rock a pair of shades! Cupcake of course already had perfect eyesight, so his miniature green sunglasses always looked wonderful.) I ran back down the stairs, coming to jump over a duffel bag that Jillian was using as a pillow.

“Becca’s hungry.”

“You just ate three sandwiches.” Papa argued.


“No buts, we’re leaving as soon as Natalie comes back.”

“Dude, I’m already here.”

“Where’s Snickers? And are you SURE Frankenstein’ll be okay with the people next door?”

“I’m still kind of bummed that Brian got taken back by her actual owner peoples…” Natalie sighed, fiddling with my hair.

“The dragon’s in Frank’s bag. And we wouldn’t have let Frankenstein go if it wasn’t okay, now get in the car before we drag you there ourselves.” Daddy G finalized.

“Cupcake doesn’t want to go on the plane.”

“Cupcake will be fine, now get in the van.”

“What if I get sick?”

“Then you’ll puke in a barf bag and continue on with your life, now please, just get in so we don’t miss our flight?” Plane jitters are scary. What if it swallowed us, but never spit us back out?  Jill rolled her eyes and shoved a pair of headphones over my ears.

“Becca knows what you’re doing but she doesn’t want to sleeeeep…” I trailed off as Hush-a-bye Mountain, the only lullaby I’d ever known came drifting into my brain. Frank caught on and tucked Cupcake into the crook of my arm. I think I fell asleep glaring, but seeing as I was out of it, I couldn’t be too sure.