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We Way? Three Way!

Mental Patient

“Now, Natalie, I know that life’s been a bit hectic for you lately.”

“Not really. I mean, not anymore than Becca’s or Jillian’s.”

“Dear, are you sure you want to stay here?” Marken asked.

“You can go, if you want.” Natalie added after a second of my not responding.

“My shoes are choking me.” I replied.

“Go back to the car then, I’ll be out as soon as I explain what’s going on in the book.”

“But I don’ wanna walk…”

“Excuse me for a second,” Natalie said, turning to Marken. “Honeydew! Honeydew honeydew honeydew!”

There was a slightly frantic knocking at the door. When I opened it, Ray burst into the room and looked around, looking slightly relieved that everything was intact.

“Becca’s shoes are bothering her, and now we’ve somehow managed to move onto my issues, so could you take her back to the car?”

“She thinks Cupcake doesn’t talk to me. Even after he complimented those tacky earrings, trying to be nice.” I huffed. “Oh god, Cupcake, what do you mean by that? They’re not even shiny! Ray, I want someone else.”

“I’m so sorry, Ms. Marken, usually Cupcake and Becca get along just fine,”

“Well she’s obviously not going to remove herself from this fantasy if you encourage it.” Marken scoffed, flipping again through Natalie’s notebook.

“I’m sorry, we thought you could help, not belittle her while she’s not even two feet away.” Ray muttered, grabbing the notebook back, then both my and Natalie’s hands, dragging us from the room and towards the front desk.

“I’d like to file a complaint on one of your employees. A Ms. Marken? She was completely rude and she’s not fit to work with children.”

“Oh, Marken again? I’m sorry, sir, that won’t happen again. She’s a patient, here. Not a doctor. Sometimes she manages to get away from our supervising staff and takes over an empty office. May I see your appointment slip, please?” Ray blinked a few times, before handing her the small piece of paper

“You see? This says you’re appointment is starting in 10 minutes, with Mr. Yusuf. He’s right down the hall. Sorry for the confusion.”

“We probably should have checked the paper.” Natalie mused as we shuffled down the hallway. It was getting progressively darker, and I did not like it.