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We Way? Three Way!

Who's My Daddy?

I usually don’t enjoy being carried, but I’ll go with the flow. I currently have some curly brown hair in my face and a shoulder digging into my stomach. Apparently Becca’s not too fond of being carried either. She was to my right, hitting Frank i the leg with her bag. It’s funny to watch someone carry a taller person. How did Frank manage that, anyway? I heard Gerard and Mikey arguing about who would carry Natalie to the car. Meanwhile, Natalie was walking to the car herself. I knew arguing never solved anything. I was half placed, half tossed into the back seat of a car. After a while, Becca was thrown in next to me. She hit Frank on the head when he let her go and pouted. Ray peered in through the window.

“I knew we should’ve brought the van.” He sighed. It was a five person car, which would’ve been great if there weren’t seven of us.

“Okay, big people can’t fit in the trunk... but small people would make it a lot more comfortable in the seats...” Gerard said, stopping his argument with Mikey to think. “Everyone get out. We’re making the medium sized people sit in the trunk.”

“The TRUNK?! Are you INSANE?!” Mikey shouted.

“A little bit, yeah.” Gerard said, smirking. We lined up in height order. I was second smallest.

“Okay, Ray can’t, Natalie can’t. Two people out.” There was about a foot difference between them, not counting the gigantic mound of hair on Ray’s head. “No Mikey, no Jillian. Four down.”
I hate being 5’3”. “I’m out, Frank’s out. That leaves Becca. Choose someone to go with you.” I raised my hand. 

“Okay. Jillian, Becca, get your asses in the trunk. We’re kidnapping you guys.” Frank smiled. That would sound so weird if it had no context. 
The trunk was oddly comfortable. I stood on my knees and popped my head over the seat. They were talking about music at the moment. What sucked, what didn’t, who was a douche bag in real life, who was nice, all sorts of things. Apparently Gerard sings, Frank and Ray play the guitar, and Mikey plays the bass. I like the bass. It’s so... bass-y.

“So, who do I call ‘daddy’?” I asked.