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We Way? Three Way!

En Medias Res

“How could you possibly do this? Right in the middle of everything, en medias res, Gee?” To hear Mikey yell was one thing. To hear him speak harshly, in a sort of somewhat whisper, was another.

“Look, Mikey, you’re not getting this. I really think she could be the one.”

“Don’t you remember the last time that happened? We need five grown men to handle three teenage girls. Not 4 grown men to handle three teenage girls and a lovesick teenage boy. You barely know anything about her.” I pulled my head away from the hole in the ceiling of the kitchen. This house was falling to shambles. Duct tape was on nearly everything. Gerard and Mikey usually got on just fine, and now some girl was screwing things up? Another album was needed, and fast. Revenge tours were turning out less and less people. It was time to get down to work or face the consequences of not having any sort of steady income.

“We’re heading out again.” Ray sighed.

“Paramour House. One of our shows is out there and I need to see if everything they say about that place is real.” Gerard added. “I’ve got some stuff down for a new album,” Thank the good trees that give us oxygen. “just need to revise and maybe pull some stuff.”
It may seem self centered that I’m concerned with money. But 8 people in one house? It’s not cheap.

“We’ll drive down there sometime next week.”

While Jillian went to clean Giggles’ tank, Natalie informed me she was going to google the place, because googling is never a bad idea. In the mean time, I both mourned the loss of being able to take my dance lessons, and managed to incidentally eavesdrop again on Mikey being angry at Gerard. Such is life.