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We Way? Three Way!

Your Real One

"Still breathing?" I yelled through the bathroom door.

"Yeah, thanks." Was the muffled reply.

"Gonna go see if me and Cupcake can go exploring. I'll bring you back a rock."

"Don't cross any major ro- oh goddddddddddd."

"There's dramamine in Papa's bag!" I called as I grabbed Cupcake and both of our sunglasses.

"I love your sense of style, Becca." It was Lyn-Z. "I was thinking once Natalie was feeling better I could take the three of you shopping, maybe grab a cup of apple juice?"

"Sure." I said, forcing a bright smile. "That sounds lovely. I'm going out for a bit, I'm chipped so you don't need to worry about where I am. Tell Padre I'm borrowing his camera, though, please? I should be back before six." I said, not waiting for an answer. She'd won over the guys, maybe even Natalie and Jillian.  But Cupcake was on my side, at least. It didn't matter if no one else would listen to a girl and her unicorn.

"Look! Another seagull!" I exclaimed, snapping a picture. I'd made my way down to a beach which was the home to more seagulls than I'd seen in my life. I'd flooded the camera's memory with them. Some eating, some flying, most just staring at me with a suspicious expression.

"Hmm? Oh, the other left- Holy good mother of all that is righteous and sparkling... Cupcake, what is THAT?" I knew what it was, actually. Kind of. The faded and weathered sign read Chutes Park.

"Are you crazy? There could be mutant half rat half cotton candy hybrids just waiting to eat us alive!" Regardless, though, I did go in. Gripping the camera with white knuckles I didn't go a step without taking a picture of something. I even ended up deleting all the seagulls. They'd be there again tomorrow. Rusted old roller coasters, a crumbling theater, it wasn't as creepy as maybe I'd hoped, but it had a certain nostalgia about it, even if I'd never been to a running amusement park. I walked away satisfied.



"There's a message for you." Lyn-Z finally said, looking nervously at Gerard

"From who?"

"Your dad."

"Well, which one?"

"Your real one."

And the world flipped upside down again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dear people of Earth and Beyond,

I regrettably inform you that this story is drawing closer and closer to its ending. Twelve chapters from now, this is over.

Yours awesomely,