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We Way? Three Way!


"So..." Lyn-Z started with an awkward sort of laugh. "Do you guys have any other hidden musicians here?"
"Not that we know of, oh!" Gerard exclaimed, fishing around in his pocket. "We're doing our first big show for the new album. I got you tickets since you're here in California."
"You've finished all of it?"
"Mostly. We're just trying to decide about this one song, whether to keep it on or not." Mikey's face changed to a grimace for a split second.
"Well that's very exciting and I'd love to go." She replied smiling, taking the tickets and tucking them into her purse."I want to change my flight back so I can stay a bit longer, so I've got to get going, but I'll see you then." She kissed Gerard on the way out and everyone else made gagging noises. Yes, we were highly mature, thank you. We froze immediately as a door slammed from behind us. No one had moved. No one had done anything.
We'd only been a few days, even with all that happened, and no signs of the paranormal had shown up. But ghosts apparently don't like cookies, evident by the fact that as soon as they were out of the oven all hell broke loose.
The bathtubs started running without me touching the faucet and I had to have Natalie or Jillian stand outside the curtain just to even go near the thing.
Doors slammed in Frank's face, and nightmares plagued us all. Mikey had it the worst, though. He drank enough coffee for twelve men to try and keep himself from needing to fall asleep.
After a night of waking up choking on nothing, I scuttled into Gerard's room, which was next to mine, hoping he'd be awake and working just so I'd know no one was really dead. Mikey had beat me to it, though, wrapped up in a blanket on the floor, breathing silently.
I tried to lie down next to him, but then I'd either be facing the door or slightly under the bed, neither of which sat well with me. As I shuffled to get up, he muttered a single word before rolling over onto the other side.