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We Way? Three Way!

Back To Normal

“School? I have to go to school? Why? I’m all smart and stuff already! Back at the orphanage I took this test and it said I was smart! Why do I have to get smarter if I’m already a smart person who can do smart person things!” I complained to Ray during the car ride from the airport to home. He talked to Gerard and Mikey and Frankie and they already decided to send Becca and Natalie and I to school. It wasn’t just any school they wanted to send us to, but a high school with teenagers who scare the living shit out of me.

“Oh, come on. Becca and Natalie already agreed to the idea! Do you want them to be smarter than you?”


“Exactly, so go to school so you can all be the same amount of smart.”

“But what if they make us do sports things?”

“I don’t know, do whatever you want I guess.”

“Yeah, Belleville High isn’t too good with making sure everyone plays sports and doesn’t sneak out to go the cemetery to draw dead things.” Daddy G chimed in.

“I guess I’ll go...” I muttered. From the things the internet and copious amounts of television have taught me, school is not a nice place. Do you know what they do to girls like us in school? It ain’t pretty. All the total dicks, all the stuck up chicks... it’s just a bad place for pale people with black hair who like to dress completely in black and wear shirts of bands not many people have heard of. I’ll do it for Becca and Natalie and because Frankie asked nicely. Anyway, we’re finally home. I like home. Home doesn’t smell like the rotting flesh of dead rats.

I was unpacking when I was met by an unexpected Frank falling through my roof.

“Hey.” He said.

“Hey.” I replied.

“I was in the attic a couple of seconds ago.”


“Now there’s a hole in your roof.”

“Looks like it.”

“What did I land on?”


“This is nice.”

“You’re crushing my spine.”


“How’s it going?”


“That’s good.”

“Wanna make out?”


And then Daddy G came in and yelled at us for the fourteen billionth time because he still hated the whole thing that was happening with me and the guy who was supposed to be one of my father figures. That’s how I knew that for at least a little bit, things were as close to normal as they could possibly get. Then I noticed Daddy G’s hair was bleached.
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