Card Games


"But I swear I wasn't cheating!" Rose exclaimed at the other finders.
"Like we're going to believe you,” one of them said. "How is it that we're down to our boxers and you still have most of your clothes?"
"I'm lucky?" she answered. The other finders laughed and closed the door on her face. Rose grunted before sitting on the floor and setting up a game of solitaire for herself with her cards.
Her game didn't last long though because a voice behind her said, “Ummm, excuses me." Rose looked up and saw a gray haired boy clad in an exorcist coat.
She smiled and in a cheery voice said, "Allen." Allen stared at her confuse, wondering how this girl knew him and then remembered that she was the finder that accompanied him to a mission in Germany.
"Hi Rose, what are you doing in front of my door?" Rose turned around realizing she was indeed in front of his bedroom door, although, every door pretty much looks the same. She laughed nervously.
"Well, I was playing cards with some of the other guys and they kicked me out because they thought I was cheating."
"Well, that's too bad."
"Wanna play cards with me," Rose asked shuffling the cards in her hands. As much as he shouldn't have, he couldn't resist.
"Okay," Allen said opening the door to his room and gesturing for her to come in. As Rose dealt cards, Allen asked, “So what do we wager?" Rose just raised an eyebrow at him.
"I was planning not to wager, but since you insist, whatever you have. It ended up being clothes with the other finders."
"Okay let’s do it that way," he said smiling and putting his coat on the table as a bid. Rose just laughed, not knowing what was going to happen, and did the same.
It didn't take long for Rose to lose most of her clothes. Her coat, hoodie, scarf, boots, skirt, and tights were all gone and all Allen lost was his exorcist coat and that was because she got lucky. As she picked up her new hand, she smiled; she had four A's and tree 7's. "Okay Allen, take a look at this," she said showing her cards the same time Allen did. Her smile, however, turned into a pout when she saw he had a royal flush. She sighed and began lifting up her shirt as her new bid.
But before she could get it past her head, Allen spoke up and said, "Wait... Keep your shirt on." Rose looked at him confused. "Why? I lost the last round and need to win my clothes back."
'Yeah, " he said nervously, "but only because I cheated." And with that, he gave her the cards he used to cheat. Rose just stared at him with her arms across her chest. Feeling awkward, he asked, "Okay what else do you want?"
"A deal. Loser of this round has to strip down to their undergarments and run around the head quarters." Not having much of a choice, Allen agreed.
"Four of a kind," Rose said putting her cards on the table. Allen stared dumbfounded. All he had was crappy cards and there was no way he was going to run around in boxers in the Black Order headquarters.
"I fold," he said coming up with an idea.
"You can't do that. You lost."
"Technically, I didn't. Folding is a forfeit." Rose glared at him. "But I'll give you a consolation prize."
"Like what?"
"I'll let you take a blow at me. You can hit, punch, or whatever anywhere on my body and I'll even close my eyes so I won't see it coming." Rose sighed hoping to get her frustration out this way and agreed.
But instead of hitting him like he thought she would, she leaned forward and kissed him passionately. He was shocked at this at first and didn't know how to respond, but after a bit, he kissed her back with just as much passion and put his arms around her waist. She smiled as he did that and bit his lip, attempting to take charge; instead, he grabbed her butt, making her gasp. Allen used that opportunity to slip his tongue in Rose's mouth.
The two were so into their action that they did not realize the door behind them opening. "Oh Allen," Chief Komiu said,” have another mission for yo-" he stopped mid sentence as he saw the two teenagers making out. Allen and Rose pulled away from each other and blushed.
"I got to go," Rose said grabbing her clothes and putting on her long coat.
Before she ran out the door, Allen stopped her and said, "We should play cards again soon." Rose nodded her head in agreement.
"I'll see you when you get back from your mission."
"Well, Allen you sly dog," Komui said, "You better not try anything like that with Lennalee."
"I won't I promise. Besides, Rose is something special." He said shuffling the cards she left in his room.
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I totally got into D.Gray Man and decided to write a one shot for Allen walker taking place before all the super dramatic stuff happens. So I made it fun where he's playing poker with a female finder ( o la la~) . Enjoy & rate plz- Stace