Blood Diamond

Chapter 2

The day went by, it was a good sunny day in Forks, Washington. So the Cullens spent there whole day explaining to me there way of life, the way they don't take humans blood and how they get along with them. Then they each told me there stories, rosalies was the saddest. But Alice didn't know her's. When Jasper, Alice mate, told me his, I just stared in shock. All those scars poor guy. Then they each went through with there sorrys about my coven.
I told them about my coven, how Xavier wasn't my mate but we liked each other, and how Evan liked me but I had no feelings for him, except a brother. I told them I was Aella and I have been around for almost 70 years.
Then I told them the story about how we where chasing down James, the maleI was hunting. Evan was a tracker. James killed my father now he had my covens lives on his hands as well. I was a nomad, homless, left alone.
Alice, Jasper and Edward explained the "Gift" to me. I couldn't believe it, I wasn't alone. I could tell Edward was curious cause he just stared at me.
I to had a gift. Not seeing the future or controlling emotions (which explained a lot) but more towards Edwards gift. I can read minds of humans, vampires, and everything in between, but also I can block my thoughts from others like me (and Edward). Edward didn't like that.
"Yes do you have to gloat about it?" He mentioned a little rudely.
"Please don't have a secret conversation around me, it's annoying" Alice spoke.
I laughed slightly and said:
"Sorry, I'm not used to having my thoughts read"
"I'm not used to having them blocked!" Edward mumbled.
"I can only do it when I consitrate, never really practiced, as I only met one mind reader other then your self, and he didn't last long anyway"
I remembered tearing him apart and Xavier lighting him on fire. The sudden remembrance made all the pain swell up inside. They where gone.
"What where you thinking? Going up against an uneven group?"
It was the only chance we had.
I thought about our conversation before the fighting. Evan wasn't the best tracker but we could of waited. Me and my stupid idea's.
"No you where just determind"
I blocked my thoughts and searched Edwards brain.
Not fair.

He was imagining me hung on a tree branch. I chuckled and listened to the others thoughts. Esme the "Mother" was thinking of me staying, Alice was visiting the future, looking for what Esme was thinking. Jasper was determining if I was a threat or not. Emmet the big vampire and Rosalie's mate was completly absorbed in the baseball game.
I unblocked my mind without noticing.
Rosalie as focused on a mirror. Typical blonde.
I know she is totally concieted. Thought Edward.
I've noticed. I thought back.
I reblocked afternoticing Edward was spying.
Carlise the gentle blonde man was upstairs in his study. Reading Ugh. I focused back on Edward. He was focused on me.
He was still trying to figure me out, see if Jasper's thoughts should be talked aloud about.
I wouldn't harm you and you coven.
There more of family. He corrected.
I looked in his gold eyes, my dark burgendy stared back, I haven't went hunting in a while.
You should go, so you don't snap at a human and break our treaty.
They did tell me about that. I thought it was stupid, but respected it anyway.
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