Blood Diamond

Chapter 3

"Will you be back?"
Esme looked so sad. I just couldn't look away. I seen Alice's future thoughts and seen me staying with them, me being a "vegaterian" as they called it, and I seen that I liked it here I signed and said:
"Yes I will, I just have to hunt, I'll--"
"--No!" Jasper cut in.
To dangerous, Edward she'll have to be dealt with. He thought to Edward.
He must of forgot I could hear to so I said:
"Dealt with? You think I'll turn on you and your precious humans?"
He glared at me.
"No, I--"
"--I can hear your thoughts"
I put my hand on my hip and gave him a glare. Edward laughed and we all looked at him, but I knew just as much as him and Alice, that I'd fit in just well.
"Alice can see, she will be good and fit in just well" He stole my thouhts.
"I don't know..." Jasper douted.
"Awe come on Jazz, I'll be fun to be around" I teased.
He mumbled stuff about staying out of his life and walked outside. I roled my eyes and Carlisle came down the stairs.
"You are known as Aella Cullen now, you go to school with Edward, Alice, Jasper, Emmet, and Rosalie. Esme and myself adopted you, your parents--"
"--Died" I cut in.
"O...k, as you wish, how old where you when you where changed?" He asked.
I didn't like to ammit my age, first thing they thought when I say it is I'm a baby cause I'm so much younger then them, Sixteen isn't even that young.
Really sixteen? Edward thought.
Yes, you going to pick on me about it?

No, we are "young" to.
"Well?" Carlisle asked.
"Ok sorry, I was sixteen when changed"
So young. Rosalie thought.
"Not really." Edward and I said together.
So I was to be in high school in the 10th grade and Edward, Alice, and Jasper was in the 11th. So that left Rosalie and emmet in the 12th, for humans I was youngest and for vampires I was still youngest. Being almost 80 something.
I hate being youngest.
You'll get used to it.

Haha, Edward.
He was just glad he wasn't youngest anymore.

I was to start a week from now having none stop training to get used to humans, I felt like a newborn all over again.
You'll get used to that to.

I hope, I'd hate to break your treaty and upset Jasper even more.
You'll get used to it.
I rolled my eyes and concitrated on Carlisle, my first lesson begins.
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