Status: Compleate

Fall For You


His name is Rayne Pardee. He used to live in L.A. but he moved to my town a few weeks ago.
He goes to my school and I watch him at lunch. He always sits alone during lunch, and the jocks try to fight him in the hallways because he's gay.
I kind of feel bad for him, but at the same time I admire him. He's the only one in this whole damn town not afraid to adit his sexuality. You see, my town is filled with homophobes and small-minded people. You will instantly be shunned if you are even the slightest bit different.

I am Kason Morrietti. I have been hiding my sexuality for three years now, due to the fact that I'm terrified of not being accepted. Devvy Sloane, my best friend, is the only one who knows I am bisexual. But I'm starting to think that the whole world should know.


"Stop eye raping Mr. Pardee."
I spun around to glare at my best friend.
"Oh, shut up." I growled, but Devvy just laughed and sat down next to me at our lunch table.
"If you like him so much, why don't you just ask him out?" She said, pulling her pink hair into a bun ontop of her head.
"Because Dev, that would be social suicide." I simply stated, glancing over at the boy sitting by himself.
"Then just date him in secret. No one has to know." She paused, then added, "It'd be like one of those forbidden love stories."
I couldn't help but laugh at how cliche that sounded, but she was right. She was always right. I could ask him out sometime after school, and no one would ever have to know.

I stood under a tree, debating weather or not I was actually going to do this.
"Just go over there and talk to him!" Devvy said, giving my arm a light shove.
I sighed and nodded my head before walking over to Rayne. We were at the park just down the road from the school, but no one else was there. It was just us.
"Uhm, h-hey. Your in my Biology class, right?" I stammered, feeling stupid.
Rayne hesitantly nodded. "Your Kason Morrietti?"
"Kay. I'm Kay." I instinctively corrected. "But, yeah..."
God, I sounded like an idiot!
"Erm, I was just, just w-wondering, if you'd like to hang out sometime?" I said in a hurry, my cheeks burning with embarrassment.
He hesitated again, bitting on his lower lip. He finally nodded and mumbled a 'sure'.

We made planes to meet up at Devvy's house that weekend. I wrote her address on a piece of paper for him before walking back to my car, Devvy already sitting in the passenger seat.


Thump! Thump! Thump!
I jumped up and ran to answer the door, Devvy laughing at my eagerness.
I yanked open the door to reveal Rayne, a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.
"I'm so glade you decided to come!" Devvy said, walking up behind me.
"Kay wouldn't shut up about you. 'Do you think Rayne is gonna come?', 'should Rayne have been here by now?', 'I hope Rayne gets here soon'."
My face heated and I looked down at my shoes, trying to hide my blush.
I heard him laugh and I looked back up to see the most beautiful smile on his face.

"I have to pee! I'll be right back!" Devvy announced, jumping off the couch and running upstairs, leaving me alone with Rayne.
We had spent the last two hours sitting in Devvys living room, talking and trying to get to know Rayne. He had said All Time Low was his favorite band which caused Devvy to proclaim him as 'her new bestest friend ever!'.
It was fun, and most of the time was spent laughing our asses off. But now that Devvy was gone, it was a little awkward.
"I like you a lot, Rayne. Your a cool guy." The words were out of my mouth before I even knew what I was saying.
"I like you too." I looked up at him, shock evident on my face, he stared back at me, grinning like a fool.
He leaned closer toward me and before I could comprehend what was happening, his lips where on mine. I immediately kissed him back, loving the feel of his mouth against mine.
Rayne pulled away sooner than I would have liked, but I could hear Devvy coming back down the stairs.
"I miss anything good?" She asked, plopping down next to me.


Its been a week since Rayne kissed me. We have spent ever chance we get together. In the hallways at school, after school, on the weekends. We were practically inseparable.
We were currently sitting on the marry-go-round at the same park we first talked at.
"I know its only been a week, but I-" I paused, taking a deep breath.
"I like you. I like you a lot. In fact, I think I'm falling in love with you. Rayne Pardee, will you be my boy friend?" The words came out of my mouth in a rush.
I watched as several emotions played across his face, confusion, shock, happyness.
After a moment he jumped up and tackled me, pinning my body underneath his.
"Kason Alexander Morrietti, I would love to be your boy friend!" And with that, he kissed me. A wonderful, passionate kiss that made me want to be with him forever.