Status: Sadly, complete.

Blame It on September

First Week Of July. First Day Of My Life.

Ivory's POV-

     I rest my head against the window in the backseat, as my stomach explodes in to a million nervous butterflies. I close my eyes, feeling the hot San Fransico sun against my pale skin. I'm not going to get  use to the weather; Im from Michigan, we have four seasons. If it was up to me Id still be back home, in the Mitten, with all my friends. I would still be happy, but it isnt up to me, it's up to my parents. 

    Its a new state, a new town, new people, a whole new life; I think to myself as we pulled up to a huge, white house. My dad pulls  the car in to the driveway, he rips the keys out, and looks over at my mom. My parents exchange hopeful smiles, before turning back to look at me. 

With the smile still painted across his face, my dad says, "Come on Ivory, we are home."

     My eyes meet his, then turn back to the unfamiliar house. I gradually open the door, I fling my feet out, and step out of the car. It was the longest drive of my life; my body was sore from just sitting. I push my hands up, over my head; I twist my torso, and turn around, stretching out my body.  It felt so good to be out of that car. My arms clutch on to a rectangular box, that I had sitting next to me. I follow my mom up the wide, concrete steps, up to the bright blue door.

     I looked all around the empty house, I slowly step up the long staircase. I open up the door to one of the four rooms; I walk in setting down the box on the desk. Theres a big window, right under it was a bench, with a hot pink cushion over it. I sit down on the bench, open the window, and stick my head out. I glance up and down the never ending street; I found my dad and brother unloading the moving truck. 

My dad looks up at me, placing his hands on his hips. "Ivory, get down here and help, would ya?" 

I smile at him and nod. I close the window and make my way down to the moving truck.

    The truck was completely unloaded, except for a two more boxes, filled with my crap. I hitch my fingers in the openings of one of the boxes, pulling it out of the truck. Before I turn around, the loud sound of laughter filled my ears. I turned my attention to five boys, hanging around on the porch next-door. I glance at each of the boys, but stop and focus on one of them. He had dark brown hair, tucked behind his ears,  a green flannel on, and was leaned up against the porch railing. The laughing stopped, he turned and peered over at me. His smile slowly faded, as our eyes locked. I swallowed hard, and smiled at him. He glanced down, then back up at me, and smile creeped up on his lips. It was silent, until the mocking sound of "Ohhhhh" played off the other guys lips. We both quickly snapped back to reality and I started to walk back the house. 

      I went back outside to grab the last box. There he stood,  propped up against the moving truck. I stood on the last step of my porch, contemplating my next move. I slowly emerge off the step, and down the side walk. I reached the truck, standing in front of the boy I didn't even know. I nervously looked up at him, and he smiled at me. 

"Hey, Uh... I'm Zach." He reached out his hand to me, I placed my hand in his, and he shook it slowly.

"I'm Ivory."

"Ivory... That's cute." He bit his lip and looked down, shaking his head. "So youre new, where ya from?"

"Michigan." I smiled.

"Michigan, wow that on the other side of the country!"

"Yeah, I know. Longest road trip ever."

"I know all about road trips, trust me." He laughed. 

Neither of us said a word after that, we just stood there, observing each other. That is until his friends come running over. 

"Whats up babygirl?" One of them shouted, followed by one of his friends smacking the back of his head. "What did I do?"He gasped.

"Ignore him." The one said, rolling his eyes. "I'm Cameron, by the way. The obnoxious one is Michael, the dude with the dreads is Nathan, and he's Dillion...  And I think you know Mr. Porter over here." Cameron says, giving Zach a wink.

I laugh at little, watching Zach's cheeks turn red. "I'm Ivory. Do all of you live there, or?" 

"No, only me and Cameron." Zach chimed in, pushing Michael out of his way.

"Oh thats cool." 

"Yeah it is! Did I mention I'm in a band?" Michael added, while posing like a model.

"Oh really? That's rad, what's your band called?" 

"Allstar Weekend!" They all spoke at the same time.

"Ivory! Get in here, and help us unpack!"  My annoying older brother, Wes yelled from the door.

I rolled my eyes at him, and turned back to the group of guys. "Well, I have to go help. So maybe I'll talk to you guys later."

"Yeah, for sure." Zach said, smiling.

I waved to them, as I walk back to my new house. Once I reached the door, I took one last look at the guys. Zach was still watching me. Maybe moving here wasn't such a bad thing. Maybe this could be fun.
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My new Zach Porter Fanfic!

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