Status: Sadly, complete.

Blame It on September

Good Day.

*Chapter 6-

Ivory's POV-

I stare straight ahead, watching the scene around me blur. Then the car stops in front of a large building, crowded with people.  "Well sweetheart, you're here." My mom says, unlocking the car door for me. 
"Mom, I don't want to go school." 

"Too bad, you have to. Now I'm going to be late for my first day at work. You'll have fun." She reassured me, as I hopped out of the car. Disgust washed over me, while I watch the strangers give me looks as I pass through. 

 I was in my first block class, it was History. I sat alone in the back.  The bell rang and the teacher walked in. She was short, with blonde hair that was angled in the front. "Hello class, who's ready for a fun new year?" She asked enthusiastically, but the room stayed silent. "Okay then...  Why don't we go around the room and get to know each other? Say your name and something special about yourself. I'll start I'm Mrs. Sulivan and I have a black belt in  karate." 

Everyone went, besides me that is. It was my turn and everyones eyes were on me. "I'm Ivory. Uh, I'm new here." Blank faces stare through me, making me tense up. That was one of the most awkward moments of my life. They continued to stare until Mrs. Sulivan started talking  again.  I slumped down in my seat, and began to doodle on my notebook. Mrs. Sulivan went over the schools handbook, making me tune her out.

"Psst, hey new kid." Someone whispered. My head shot up, and staring at me was a girl with short brown hair with blond bangs. "I'm  Nevaeh. Where ya from?"

"Michigan." I reply. And that started a series of questions. Nevaeh was pretty dorky, in a good way. She was funny and loud. We seemed to like all the same stuff. Maybe I could use a friend, you know one who's not amazingly handsome and is in a band... Anyways, Nevaeh and I  went back and forth until the bell rang that ended class. 

My day was going by moderately slow, I thought as I staggered down the hall. I made my way to the huge lunch room, filled with round blue tables. I grip my brown paper bag tightly, while my eyes search around for an empty table. Suddenly flailing arms caught my eyes. Nevaeh flashes me a smile and motions me over. She pushes out a blue chair, and pats the seat for me to sit. I sit down in between her and a redhead. "Guys this is Ivory. Shes from Michigan." She announces to the table. "Hi." I whisper, awkwardly. "That is Ella. She can be quite, but she opens up." Nevaeh says, pointing to the ginger next to me. "Hey there Ivory. So what do you think of the school so far?" Ella asked.  I looked down and thought about it for a moment. "Its... Well it's still school. And I've never been a fan of it." They laughed and we continue to talk until the bell rang, dismissing lunch. 

Ella and I had the same last hour class, so we walked together. We enter our English II class, and sat down together at a square table. The class was just like the first three, all about guidelines for the semester.   Boring.   Ella and I passed notes in my notebook. We quietly laughed at the stupid comments we were writing. I guess our hushed giggles weren't as quiet as we thought. When I looked up, the girl in front of me was glaring at me. She had  extremely long brown hair and far too much makeup on. My smile faded at the sight of her, but I got over it and continued to goof off with Ella. Before we knew it the bell rang. 

I made it through my first day. I waved to my new friends before I took off for home. I noticed Ella was walking the same way, so I stopped and waited for her. "You must live by me." Ella said, catching up with me. "I live on Branch." 

"Really? I live down the street from there." I proclaim. 

We were just a couple of houses away from mine when a figure caught my eye. It was Zach, he was sitting on the bottom step of his porch. I bit my lip, to fight my smile. Once we got closer Zach smiled at us. I glanced down trying to hide my excitement, then smile back at him. "Oh, he's a cute one." Ella nudged me. I giggle then stopped walking. "Well, this is my house." I said, stepping on to my lawn. 
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow Ivory." Ella smiled, before taking off down the street. 

I turn my view over to Zach. He was prancing over toward me. "Welcome home Ivory." He smirks. "How was the first day?" I roll my eyes and say,  "Not horrible." 

"That's great. I see you made a friend." Zach nods. 

"Yeah, her names Ella. And get this, I made another friend, Nevaeh."

"Whoa there. If you keep making friends you're not going to have anytime for me." Zach sticks out his lip, and pretends to start crying. 

"Awe, it's okay. I'll make time for you." I say sweetly, causing him to blush.

 "Good. Just don't make any guy friends, I'm the jealous type." Zach smiles.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow it's been two weeks since I updated! That seems like forever. Ive been
Busy with school and stuff.

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Ohhh and for anyone who likes The Maine, I'm starting a new Fanfic about Garrett and John. Coming Soon.

Thanks for reading!