Status: Sadly, complete.

Blame It on September

My Mind Is Set On You.

Ivory's POV- 

A couple days later Zach decided he wanted to tag along, with me, Ella, and Nevaeh.  We were going to go up to the coney island by the mall. Once my parents left, I walked over to Zachs. "Hey there." He said, opening the door. 

"Ready to go?" I asked. "They are going to meet us there." 

"Yeah, just let me get my keys." Zach says, grabbing keys off the table next to the door. "Let's go." 

Once Zach drove us to the coney island. We went inside, and got a table in the back. "This will be fun. " I said, hopefully. 

"Yeah, it will... " Zach started. "Ivory I need to talk to you about something." Zach said, holding my hand from across the table. 

"Go ahead." I nodded, approvingly. 

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about-"

"Hey cuties!" Nevaeh shouted, coming over to the table. And cutting off Zach. 

Zach sighed audibly. He let go of my hand, and sat back in his chair. 

"Hey guys." I said to Nevaeh and Ella. They were pulling out chairs and sitting down. "So what are you guys doing?" Ella asked. 

"Waiting for you guys." I laugh. Then a waitress came over to take our orders. 

"So what were you saying Zach?" I asked, turning my attention back to him.

"Uh, don't worry about it. We can talk about it another time." He said, with disappointment. But I let it go. 

"So guys, we have some questions for you." Ella states.

"Oh." I mumble. "Like what?"

"So you guys are like, dating?" Nevaeh questioned, with a small smile. 

Zach and I exchanged looks, then Zach looked back at the girls and said, "Yeah, we are." 

"Thats so cute." Ella announced.

"But it's a secret." I interrupted. "Since there is an age difference. And my parents would kill me, and Zach."

"Secret lovers." Nevaeh sang.  I rolled my eyes at her. "Shut up." I laughed.

"Well, this means you'll have to get us cute rockstar boyfriends." Ella said, before taking a sip of her chocolate milkshake. Zach smirked and laughed, "I know a couple guys. I can see what I can do." He said, adding a wink. 

"Does this mean we get free tickets to your shows?" Nevaeh asked with smiles, but said it seriously. 

"Of course." Zach answered. 

We all made some small talk; relationship questions, to questions about the band. Then my mom texted me, saying she wants me to come home. I sighed and texted her back. I told her I'd be home in fifteen minutes. "Sorry, to cut this short guys. But my mom wants me home." I  announce, with audible disappointment. 

"It's okay, we'll hang again soon." Nevaeh says, standing up, and pushing in her chair. 

"See you tomorrow." Ella says and hugs me. "Nice to meet you Zach; you better treat her right." Ella proclaims sternly. 

"I will, don't worry." Zach assures her. Then peeks over at me, and smiles. I grab his hands, and we start out. 

We pulled down our street, and stopped before we got to my house. "Your friends are nice." 

"Yeah, they are pretty cool." I said, turning over to look at him. "See you tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yes you will." Zach says, taking my hand. "As long as you want to." 

"Should that even be a question?" I burt out. 

Zach rolls his eyes, "Well you better get home." He cups my cheek, and kisses me on the lips. I close my eyes;  I felt myself melt, as his lips mend perfectly with mine.

We slowly pull apart, and open our eyes. I couldn't help but blush. In fact, I was probably as red as a tomato.  Which made Zach chuckle a bit. "Um, I-I'll see you t-tomorrow." I stutter like a dork. Zach nods and I get out of his car. 

Well, tonight went very, very well. Over all, my life was going great. 

Zach is my boyfriend.       My first boyfriend.

 I have two awesome best friends, I hardly see Wes, and I just got my first kiss. This all is pretty perfect. 

**Skip Ahead One Week**

It was Sunday morning, almos noon.  I woke up to a series of text from Zach. I Even though I'm half asleep, I manage to text him back. He asked if I was awake yet, no. And he also asked if I wanted to hang out today, yes.

  I swung my feet off the bed, and stumbled to my dresser. I gazed in my mirror, and rubbed my eyes. I pulled some clothes out of my dresser, then pulled them on. I skip down the stairs, and peek out the front window. Both cars were already gone. That means I'm free to hang out with Zach, until my parents get home. I didn't have to worry about Wes, on the weekends, he doesn't wake up until two. I swing the the front door open, and walk out. 

I make my way to Zach's house, and knock on the door. A tired Nathan opens the door, "Hey Ivory." He greets. "Looking for Zach right?" I nod, then he says."He out back." 

"Okay, thanks." I smile. 

"See you later." He replies cheerfully, as I walk to the backyard. I open the gate, and walk in. "There you are." Zach shouts. He was sitting on a swinging bench. "I've been waiting." He laughs, and pats the seat next to him. Quickly I walk over and sit down; he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.  "What's up, Zach?" I ask, smiling at him. 

"I've been needing to talk to you." Zach says, but his expression changed. It turned very serious, making me feel nervous. I cleared my dry throat, and breathed, "Okay." 

Zach took my hand, and squeezed it. His eyes locked on to mine. He took a deep breath, then started, "So, this is kind of hard to say. I keep  putting it off, but I can't anymore.  Next week, the guys and I, will be leaving for tour."
♠ ♠ ♠
Heyy, I am so so SOOOO sorry it's been so long since I've updated!!!! I've been busy writing my another fanfic's, but I'll update more often. I get off of school next week, so I'll have time to write!

I posted my Garrett and John fic! You can check that out
Also check out my best friend Ahoyylaneyy; fanfic's. She just posted a Josh You Me At Six fic! And it is SOOOOO good! Chec that out

Thanks for the comments and subscribes!