Daughter Dearest...Why Is There A Werewolf In Your Bed...?

Chapter 9 (Salvation?)

Since they had learned about the identity of Rayne’s kidnapper, they knew where to look. Nate even had a secret weapon to use to get Rayne back. Shylah had even called a few of her old friends to help. Other angels from other kingdoms.

The treaty had made roots far and wide. It was now a republic, allies that help when another is in need, the others come to their aid. Winry was very grateful for this. She personally thanked each and every person who came to the castle to discuss an approach.

The entire republic had decided that the safest route would be to take out the remaining resistance and collect Rayne. Wipe them out so that they didn’t have to worry about another possible rebellion later.

Miles was adamant about being one of the men who raided the hide-out to repossess her. The way he stared down his father was noble and even Mason gave in after seeing his son that determined.

Little did they know, another was added to the ranks of the re-con team.

(Regular POV)

I sat in that small chair as James and Cian strapped me in. Noah stood behind me for all I knew. He was probably not going to do anything again, like last time, he would stand and watch.

I didn’t like the way that James would smell my hair as he gagged me. I didn’t like the way Cian took his time strapping my arms and legs down. Too tightly, too securely. I lost the feeling in my arms and legs. Even if I did get out of the chair I wouldn’t be able to run.

Cian walked into the darkness that shrouded the other side of the room, when he walked back, the seconds seemed endless. I strained my tired eyes to look into the darkness, willing them to see something that wasn’t there.

His footsteps seemed to echo in the small room, then finally, his eyes shined in the darkness. The silver that had only been described to me in scary stories from my friends before my father broke the group up. Telling us not to fill each others minds with lies, but here it was. The man with the eyes that haunted a many of the nightmares I had. The silver that seemed to be liquid, having its own heat in the gaze.

A silver knife glistened in his gloved hand. I almost laughed, silver only made me itch. Being a hybrid had its perks. But then I remembered that it was a knife, didn’t matter if the metal would cause me any more discomfort as it cut me. That would only be a bonus for them.

Cian looked at the knife as he stepped back into the light and the intensity of the liquid silver seemed to diminish in the florescent bulb. The glint on the knife only increased.

“Now every time I ask a question you will nod yes or no on whether you will answer it. We will remove the gag and you will answer. Any more than the answer I want,” he paused as he slid the broad side of the knife along my cheek, “and you will get a cut. Understand?”

Tearfully, I nodded. I guess we will see how far my body limits can be pushed.

“Good.” Cian smiled sweetly. I would have spit in his face if I could have, and he knew it.

James stepped in front of me, “So, what are the names of the politicians your...father has had visit the castle?”

I stared into his eyes defiantly and nodded. He reached forward and slid the gag out of my mouth, but not before I bit his fingers. My teeth sunk in and I nearly grinned in triumph, until James yelled out and punched the top of my head. It only succeeded in deepening my bite on his fingers. I could even taste the blood I drew, that was when I let go of his hand and spat his blood in his face.

I turned and looked up at Cian, who had a mildly amused look on his face. Smirking, I sighed.

“There have been a lot of politicians coming and going. I’ve tried to avoid them for risk of dying of boredom, but I caught a few names.”

Cian nodded encouragingly.

“But I won’t tell you.”

The small amused smile left his face too quickly for my taste. He walked forward, his bare feet slapping the hardwood floor with menacing slaps, each one weighing my shoulders down until he stood in front of me. The knife glinted out of the corner of my eye and I watched as he lowered it to my arm.

The itching sensation was so unbearable, it hurt. I felt the cold metal before the pain. He pulled it slowly across my arm. I hissed in pain, but kept my face as passive as possible. Then something interesting happened. He backed away from me quickly and held his arm.

In the same place he had cut me, a line of blood trickled down his own arm. He looked at from the knife to my arm. Like it had to have been some kind of magic. Some kind of curse on the blade.

He looked into my eyes with liquid silver. I realized then, I had overlooked a few of the arcane symbols.

You see, in those few seconds that I had looked at his arm I remembered that there was a specific symbol that James must have forgotten to erase from the rough draft of his drawing. One that would cause something like this to happen. And the only way that this would happen was if...if...

An explosion shook the whole house. Some plaster dust sprinkled down on us and Cian stared at the ceiling with a far away look.

“So they brought the little one...”

A welcome voice met my ears, Miles’ voice...

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sorry for the long wait. school has been insane. i probably lost most of my readers but to those of you who are still reading: enjoy!