Daughter Dearest...Why Is There A Werewolf In Your Bed...?

Chapter 10 (Confusion)

I sat in my seat as Cian closed his eyes and chuckled.

“Cian? Shouldn’t we go?” James sounded worried, maybe even scared. I cherished the sound. Noises that sounded like doors being smashed in resounded below our feet and were growing closer with each passing second. I held in the triumphant smile and watched Cian as he thought. His eyes opened and he looked at me.

“We’ll leave her here. She’ll be safer that way.” James looked at him curiously and Cian dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

Cian took one last look at me. He said nothing, but his eyes....they made the promise. They walked into the shadows of the room and then their presence vanished. I slumped in the chair and gasped. I had been controlling my heartbeat and smothered my gasps, but now they came back to me tenfold. The tears that I had never suspected fell onto my legs as I kept gasping.

The door behind me burst in and my shoulders began to shake. Hurried footsteps came to me and I was thankful for the one to appear in front of me. I welcomed the arrogant prat.

Miles cut my bindings before he looked at my face. Apparently, the group had split up in order to cover the entire hideout. Once he cut my leg bindings, I tried to stand. Just as I had suspected, My legs had lost all sensation and I fell forward.

He caught me like I knew he would, but what I hadn’t predicted was that he would sweep me off my feet and carry out of the room. The tears wouldn’t stop and I buried my face in his shoulder. He shifted me in his arms so that he could whisper to me.

“Everything is okay. You’re fine. Everything is fine. You’re going home. You’re going home.”

My sobbing slowed to hiccups as I heard more people crowd around me. I felt Miles shake his head to silent questions. I was thankful for that, I didn’t feel like talking at the moment. I just wanted to sleep.

Miles carried me to a car, where he sat me in his lap as I continued to hiccup. I never realized just how scared I had been until that moment. I had convinced myself that I was confident and cocky. That I could take whatever they dished out, but now that they were gone and I didn’t have to keep up that charade, I felt drained.

I fell asleep. And when I woke up I was clutching to a shirt, so tightly that my hand had cramped up. I was back in my room, in my own bed and Miles was still holding me, tightly I might add.

“So how do you feel?”

I looked up at a bleary eyed Miles, his face full of concern. I sniffed and wiped at the dry tear tracks on my face, trying to get rid of that uncomfortable tightness left behind.

“As crappy as I look...” I mumbled. That made him crack a small smile. And something strange happened. After all of the suitors I had over the years, no matter how prestigious or handsome, I had never experienced the sensation in my stomach when any of the others had smiled wider than Miles was at that moment. It was a fluttering that made my entire body tingle. I liked it.

I liked him. Oh God, I liked him. Oh no, what was wrong with me? A few days ago I couldn’t stand him and now...it must have had something to do with him being the one who saved me. Yes, that was it. I was grateful. I had never been grateful before and that was the feeling that accompanied the...gratefulness.

But the blush on my cheeks said otherwise. Damn.

He saw my redness that I had been cursed with. My mother gave me this curse and I would give her what for once I was able to get up. Damn the redness... Great, I sounded like my mother.

He smiled a softer smile and looked directly into my eyes. The fluttering feeling was stronger as he began to lean in toward me, my heart sped up.


The door flew open and my mother stood in the doorway. Miles was off the bed like a shot. Mother didn’t even disguise the surprised look on her face. She stared at Miles for a second, whose face was as red as mine now, and watched as he excused himself from my room. He kept his head down as he sped-walked from the room.

“Young lady, you have a lot of talking to do.”
