Daughter Dearest...Why Is There A Werewolf In Your Bed...?

Chapter 16 (WHAT!?)

Then everything came back into focus and all sound came back to my ears. My mother rolled both of us to the side avoiding something loud that roared past us. The ground was rougher than cobblestones and we rolled onto a patch of grass. I sat up and looked around.

Colorful blurs were passing by us. At first I thought we were in some sort of magic tunnel, but I soon realized that they were large metal objects flying by. I looked down at my mother who was holding her shoulder, her wings hidden, but her skin was still torn up.

She looked up and stared for a moment frozen. Then red and blue flashing lights made her jump and focus on the metal monster that was approaching us. I scurried back to my mother and stared at the beast with wide eyes, the flashing blue and red lights were attached to the top of the metal creature and it’s sides opened up and let two human-looking creatures emerged from the belly of the beast.

My mother placed her good arm around me and stared at the men.

“Ma’am are you and your sister all right?” the one on the left asked. He had a reddish mustache but his hair was a dark brown, you could tell through his button up uniform shirt that he was starting to get flabby. His eyes were hidden behind sunglasses.

“Yes, officer, we’re fine.” I looked up at my mother in curiosity. So the man-creatures were called officers. Then I did a double-take in my mind. He had thought we were sisters.

“Your arm looks pretty banged up,” the other Officer commented. He seemed younger than the other Officer and less flabby. His hair was jet black and his eyes a kind, brown shade. He didn’t seem as suspicious as the other one was.

My mother sat up straight, hiding her shoulder from his view.

“It’s just a few scratches from the road,” she lied. I looked back towards the fast moving metal monsters and noticed the stone they were running along. So that was a road here, in this strange world....that my mother has yet to explain to me.

“Do you want a ride to the hospital?” the less suspicious Officer asked. My mother shook her head, but thanked him for his concern. We stood up from the grass, my mother holding me tightly as the Officers got back into the metal beast and rode off onto the road.

My mother looked around at this strange world as soon as the black and white creature left our sight.

“Mother, where are we?” I looked at her and saw her nostalgic look as she gazed at the strange landscape.

“The Blue Moon.”

I jumped and stared at her for a moment. “Wh-what?

“This is Earth, Rayne. This is where I came from.” She was still looking around at the trees and metal beasts roaring down their road, a wondrous look still upon her face.

I looked from the grey sky to the grass below our feet. “How did we get here?”

My mother looked at me for a moment then to the sky, “I have no idea. I think....I think that I got us here somehow.”

Then I remembered the conversation I had with my father earlier that day. How my mother had power that she hadn’t mastered yet, she had gotten us here, but she didn’t know how to get us back.

That last thought coursed through my veins as I thought of never seeing my brother or father again. Never knowing if I had feelings for Miles like the way he had confessed earlier. I stared up at the sky and then at my mother.

“So what now?” I asked quietly.

“We see if the people I used to know are still alive, but I don’t think that they would offer us any help...”

“Why?” I cocked my head to the side, like my mother did all the time.

“I disappeared from here seventeen years ago and I look the same as the night I left this world. And they won’t believe that you’re my sister and how do I explain that I have a seventeen year old daughter when I still look nineteen. They’ll ask me where I was and how I still look this way. The people here...they’re all human, no vampires in the mix or werewolves, dhampirs, faeries, elves, gnomes, imps, aldets, cyhyraeths, aloja, and so on. They think that we are fairytales, fiction...myths. They don’t understand that we are as real as they are and they fear what they can’t understand or thought was fake.”

I stood in stunned silence, my mother and I the only ones of our kind in a world full of humans.

This cannot turn out well...
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Ok just so you know an aldet is a vampiric dog-human hybrid, a cyhyraeth is a death spirit, and an aljoa is a female water spirit. I wikipedia-ed them. it's really interesting to read all about mythical creatures and their origins.

I am currently running on Pepsi and *looks at TV* watching Extreme Marksman. Why though? I have no idea, my brother is asleep with the control and my Dad is trying to explain what the kind of gun is, but I'm typing right now so his voice is the equivalent of Charlie Brown's teacher.

Comments would be appreciated 'cause I need some cheering up and reading your comments always make me smile.