Daughter Dearest...Why Is There A Werewolf In Your Bed...?

Chapter 17 (Luck Is Nonexistent)

So we walked on the “highway”. That’s what Mother called it. The metal beasts were machines called “automobiles” or “cars” and we were in a place called Pennsylvania, which was a “state”. It was all kind of surreal to take in. I mean, I had heard of the Blue Moon, I found out that my mother was born here and now I was here.

This day was just chock full of things that would take a while to sink in: Miles’ confession, the fact that if Cian got hurt I got hurt, my mother’s past, and the real reason for the Thousand Year War. My mind was rejecting it a little, telling me that everything would go back to normal once I got home, safe in my bed...where I first met Miles.

Great. I hate my mind now. I hate my train of thought. I just wanted to go home. We trudged through a nearby town, Lewistown, then onto a “hotel”. Mother told me that it was like a tavern in our world. We stopped at a building called a “bank” for my mother to get some money for the hotel. It was a very odd experience.

We walked through the glass doors and onto a marble floor, that was almost like our manor back at our world. There were a few people behind a counter wearing vests and name tag pins that asked if she needed help.

Mother told them a series of numbers and they pulled up her “account” on a “computer”. I was amazed that we didn’t have one of those in our world yet. She told me that since our world could access information by spells and charms, computers weren’t necessary, but since there were restrictions on communication spells that was the reason our world needed cellular phones.

The man behind the counter, who was assisting my mother, opened the register (we had those in our world) and gave my mother some paper money and wished her a good day. We walked out of the bank and up the main street to the hotel. Rest was needed in order to think of a plan and help my mind sort everything out. Yes, sleep was needed.

The room had two single beds, an en suite bathroom, and a couple small windows. Not much considering we were royalty, but the humans didn’t know that. I fell onto the bed and listened to my mother pace around the room.

“First,” I turned my head so that my cheek rested on the pillow and I was facing my serious faced mother, “you can’t call me ‘Mother’ or ‘Mom’, you have to call me Winry.”

I nodded. Easy enough.

“Second. No calling out your wings. Ever, while we are here.”

I hesitated before I nodded. I understood, but I didn’t like it. What if I had to run from an attacker?

“Third,” I sighed loudly and my mother smiled darkly, “I know hon, but believe me, it’ll work better this way. Third. No magic. One exception. Healing, but in a place where no one can see. Understand?”

“Mmhmm.” I looked at her for any other rules.

“Fourth and final. You do not, under any circumstances, go anywhere alone. That is not arguable.”

I rolled my eyes, “Obviously.”

My mother nodded curtly and smiled, “Alright, go to bed.” She flopped down on her own bed and fell asleep.

When I wake up this all better just be a dream...

But, of course, when I woke up I saw the same dreary flower patter on the comforter I had wrapped around me and I had no curtains surrounding my bed.

I looked over at my mother and nearly snorted. Her right leg was hanging off the bed, her left arm was over her eyes, and the blanket was in a tangled mess, barely covering her at all. How could my father put up with that?

She gave this sort of gurgled choke sound before her eyes shot open and she began to cough. I finally allowed myself to snort and laugh as hard as my stomach would let me. Mother gave me a sheepish look as she fixed her blankets and got out of the bed, tripping over the comforter that fell off the bed during the night.

She threw her arms out ungracefully and fell to the floor with a thud, tangled in the comforter.

I rolled off my bed and continued to laugh, I took in as much air between laughs, but could only manage a few short breaths in. Mother looked up at me with a playful glare, she couldn’t help but smile either. It was absolutely ridiculous that the Queen of Vampires was so...clumsy.

Leaping to her feet, she reached for the money she had gotten from the bank and motioned for me to follow.

I discovered that the styles on the Blue Moon were exactly like those in our realm. I picked out a pair of black pipe leg jeans and a red t-shirt. My mother went with some regular blue jeans and a long white shirt, she told me that our tattered clothes would have been a tad suspicious. We needed to find somewhere to stay, a relative or friend, but Mother knew that they would ask questions.

So we opted to go back to the hotel for another night until we could figure out what we could do. Mother didn’t want to be out in the open for too long, she just wanted to figure out how to get us back home.

The rest of the day was spent flipping through the movies on the TV, while Mother tried to call upon her power to try and open a portal.

“Still nothing Mom.” Mother was sitting in the Lotus pose on her bed, meditating and occasionally mumbling a few words in Latin. I, on the other hand, was propped up on a few pillows staring at a fascinating show called “The Jerry Springer Show”.

It was amazing really. Some people had a kind of problem that involved something with a baby and a cheating husband. At the moment, I was wondering whether a man was the father of a woman’s child when Mother let out a frustrated sigh and fell back on her bed.

I looked over at her.

“Any luck?”

She looked up and glared at me for a moment before huffing and putting her head back down.

“So what now?”

And that was when my mother shrugged.

I looked back to the TV. “Greaaat....”
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Well there you have it . I would appreciate comments I'm kinda going through editing "I Think I Ran Over A...Vampire?" and I have the prologue and first chapter done. I'm currently working on the second chapter.

With wet hair and Eureka on Sci-Fi. I will then text my friend to tell her to get her butt online so that I can send her the final version of the second chapter.

Only 186 pages to go. God, I need more Mountain Dew...