Daughter Dearest...Why Is There A Werewolf In Your Bed...?

Chapter 2 (Much Needed Advice...Not)

I stared at my mom for a few minutes before Miles tugged me to a couch and pulled me down.

His mother was smiling in that all knowing way, but there was nothing to know! The jerk took me by surprise. He had been planning that, I just knew it. He was waiting for me to be too tired to react and he pounced. Like a cat on a...well maybe I’m getting carried away.

I looked at my mother, who was smiling too, but in that polite what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you kind of look. I mean, I wasn’t usually this quiet when a suitor was over. I was usually trying everything to get him out. I didn’t know what was wrong with me.

I took my hand out of his and stood up. I sputtered incoherently as I stormed out of the room.

The nerve of that guy! He can’t do that to me!

I was back to my old self now that I was over the initial shock of a gorge– Oh my God! What was I thinking. Of course he was attractive, but that didn’t give him permission to...I shook my head and growled as I stomped back to my room, noticing the soft footsteps of the unwanted visitor behind me.

I threw my door open, strolled to my balcony door, wrenched it open, and stood near the railing, debating.

I heard him close the door behind him and begin to move to my side. My hands clenched the railing until my knuckles turned white.

“Well that was one helluva tantrum...”

“Well I wonder why,” I shot back with acidic sarcasm. When in doubt use the fluency...

“Really, are you that mad that I was in your bed?”

“Of course! What part of waltzing into a stranger’s room and laying in their bed seemed like a good idea?! You could have at least went down to the parlor and told your own mother that you were here. That seems like a good place to start. But no. You think the best approach to meeting me is sleeping in my bed and waiting for me to open the curtains. What if I hadn’t done that? You would have been there forev– What?”

He began to smirk in the middle of my tangent and it only grew wider as I had continued. It was beginning to irk me.

“Did you know that you look absolutely sexy when you are yelling passionately?

I stared at him for a moment, shocked again. That was twice. Twice he has left me speechless and it was making me really pissed. I could feel my eyes darkening in color and I squeezed them shut.

The only other time that I remember my eyes getting dark was...No. I won’t think about that. It was locked away never coming out again.

“Are you okay?” I couldn’t be near him for one more second.

I let out an exasperated growl and flung myself over the railing. My mother had told me, when I was little, that flying was the best source of freedom. That once we took to the sky, all of our worries were forgotten in the wind.

I heard Miles shout after me as I plummeted to the ground. The familiar feeling of my wings being pushed through my back calmed me. I spread them and felt the grass tickle my stomach as I carefully beat my wings in shallow strokes until I was able to soar into the sky.

I felt lighter already.

Pausing, I turned to see Miles staring up at me. In a sudden epiphany I realized that I felt all of the people were being forced to like me. That if I could push their buttons they would get fed up of me. This was a first of me getting tongue-tied when I first meet the guy. No matter how abrupt.

I turned back around and flew off into the woods. There was someone I needed to talk to.

I landed in a small clearing and looked just in time to see the living room curtain fall back to its normal position. The small cottage in the middle of the forest had always been the best place to go when the parental units wouldn’t listen. I put my wings away and padded to the door.

It was then that I realized I had lost my flats when I had plummeted. Oh, well. I liked the feeling of the grass under my feet. It actually felt like I was part of the earth. Rooted to it. More in tune with it.

I got to the big front door as it swung open and a crazed woman ran out to crush me in a bear hug. She rocked me back and forth.

“I missed you too, Aunt Shylah,” I laughed. The dirty blonde woman pulled back, her green eyes looked from my face to my ruined shirt.

She sighed heavily, her hair falling into her face, “Another suitor?”

I nodded with a patented Rachel “Oops?” smile. She shook her head smiling.

“Tell me all about him...”

Aunt Shylah gave the best advice. She knew exactly what to say. I usually followed it...to a point. I just didn’t have enough patience to wait for the guy to get the subtle hint that I wanted him to go. That I wasn’t interested That’s what Rachel and I laughed about.

The guy would be talking to me about his horse stables and all of the sudden I would shout, “I’m not going to marry you! Leave!” They would usually seem surprised and confused.

Had I mentioned that my mother usually picked guys that weren’t used to rejection from a girl?

“So he was...in your bed?” Her eyebrows were furrowed as she processed this. She had put her long hair up into a bun, so that she wouldn’t be distracted. Aunt Shylah is wise, but it doesn’t mean that she has her moments, especially since her wedding was fast approaching.

I put my head on my arms on the kitchen table and moaned.

“And you were...speechless?

“Why is that more unbelievable than the werewolf in my bed?!” I threw my hands up in the air.

Shylah smiled good-naturedly and placed her hand over mine.

“You need to calm down... Even if your father makes you marry someone...you need to know that it’s for good relations between nobles or royalty. You need to remember that this werewolf is going to be king of his nation one day. I don’t think you want to give a bad impression.”

I groaned again and hit my forehead on the table repeatedly.

This wasn’t going to be easy.

I flew back to the castle at dusk and landed on the roof. The only way to get there was if you were a good climber...or you had wings. It felt nice to sit on one of the rook looking towers and watch the stars come out. I sat on the wall and stared at the sky, waiting.

“So is this your favorite place?” I jumped and turned so fast that my butt slipped from the wall. I saw Miles’ shocked face before I began to fall.

I shut my eyes tightly. It was too late to recall my wings, I had been too shocked. But instead of feeling the air whooshing around me, I felt like I was floating.

My eyes opened one at a time and I looked up into grey eyes. I couldn’t remember why the were so familiar. Then I realized.

I squealed and squirmed out of Miles’ arms, putting on my best glare, hoping it would melt him...Damn it hadn’t worked. I crossed my arms over my chest and kept on glaring...maybe it would take effect later on.

He smirked. “So you’re an angel?” His voice was politely curious as he walked over to me.

I narrowed my eyes and he put his hands up defensively. “Just asking.”

“No, I’m not.” He stared at me.

“Then how did you...? Ya’know.” He flapped his arms like wings to emphasize his point. He looked like a duck that had it’s feet stapled to the ground. His shoulders went up and down as his body scrunched down. It was quite amusing.

I raised an eyebrow to distract me from the laugh that wanted to escape my throat. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. If he had chosen to leave me with that kind of first impression, so be it. So, I sighed as if I was annoyed or tired by the question.

“I’m a hybrid,” I spoke clear and sharp, “That’s kinda what happens when an angel and a vampire have a kid.”

He stared at me for the longest time before looking up at the sky. “Really?

I rolled my eyes, walked past him, ignoring how nice my name sounded from his perfect mouth as he tried to call me back, and climbed over the side of the wall, I just wanted to sleep. Today had been too stressful.

This definitely wasn’t going to be easy...